Angelina Jolie trailer banned in U.K....

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It was a movie trailor for "Wanted", and she was shown shirtless from behind shooting a gun! *GASP* The horror! Now all the thugs will think they become sexy when shirtless and shooting guns. Such indecency!

I am offended!

The UK is glorifying ignorance and poor oral hygiene. I want to ban them from my TV... and all other media. Who do I talk to?
I heard they would only allow it to be aired if the footage was sped up while Benny Hill music was being played...
10,000 gun-related killings

What's a "gun-related" killing?

When SWAT raids the wrong house because of an anonymous tip that some college kid had two ounces of weed, then shoots a 45-year-old mother of three in the back?

When two drunk guys get in an argument over Glock vs. 1911 and stab each other to death?

When the school principal has a fatal heart attack because little Johnny had a copy of Outdoor Life in his backpack?
And we care about this ... why, exactly? The Brits are notoriously anti-gun. There's no news here and won't be tomorrow, either.
The distributors of that crappy movie probably paid the govt to get it banned so someone would want to see it. Sheesh that movie sucked. :eek:
Interesting, but somehow not surprising. As far as I know Angelina and Brad are both pro-gun (at least, pro-gun for themselves). They have specifically mentioned owning some firearms for home defense.

I lived in the UK for about six months or so and have been traveling back and forth since I "moved" home. I have to say that the trailer is played about every fifteen minutes on some of their more male oriented networks. If you have never watched the british cable networks their advertising is so redundant that it is sickening. Now put this with the spike in youth crime and violence and it is not really that surprising that this has happened. The most important line is at the bottom of the article that reads:

The advertising authority has no power to enforce its writ, but it can refer advertisers to Britain's Office of Fair Trading for legal action.

essentially this is just a watchdog group. It is not uncommon for their to be nudity and colorful language used in their media but firearms are a no-no go figure.

ASA link

So the trailer can't be shown in it's original form.
The thing I found really laughable in the Yahoo report was the final paragraph...
But public concern was heightened in Britain after the shooting death of an 11-year-old boy in 2007. The murder drew national attention and prompted much soul-searching over whether the country's already strict gun control laws were tough enough.

How the hell are they going to achieve that? I'm sorry but being an Ex-Brit this kind of BS always makes me think of two politicians like "Jeeves and Wooster", well more like Wooster and Wooster, discussing some stupid plan to "save the world from the evils of...", I got an idea, make illegal gun ownership illegal, oh, wait, that's already done, erm... I know the police have guns, let's ban them, oh but that's the police, and they need them, erm... The Army they have guns, lets ban those... oh that's the army and they need them, erm... The Americans have guns, lets ban those...oh, they don't answer to us anymore, oh screw it lets go have some tea...
Irrelevant, but Jolie is mainstream when it comes to guns.

She owns a handgun, knows how to shoot it and says she will use it to defend her children. So is Pitt.
First of all, that poster is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. When I read 1984, I took it as a warning of how bad things could get; apparently somebody thought it was a how-to guide.

Second, I don't care how strict English gun laws are, 59 gun-related homicides is impossibly low.

I'm guessing that they included every single homicide that could possibly be considered "gun related" for the U.S. number; while being infinitely pickier when counting for the U.K. number.

10,000 doesn't sound that high, especially if they include suicides, gang warfare, police shootings, etc. I don't believe the 59 number for a second.
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