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Another Big 5 employee rant....

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Dec 25, 2002
So I walk into one of the local Big 5's today to buy a pair of sneakers. Didn't have my size, so I drift over towards the milsurps just to have a look-see. One young man with a backpack asks to see an MN M44. Salesman #1 says, "We don't have any M44's, sorry." The M44 is sitting on the rack, right there in front of him. I politely point it out.

Salesman #1 opens the bolt, checks it, then hands it to the customer before me. Customer then uses his thumbnail (and later a white sheet of paper) to reflect light up the bore so he can check the barrel. That's when Salesman #2 swoops in and laughs, "Boy, that's the dumbest way to check a barrel. Man, I don't know how many gun safety rules you just broke!"

"Uh, do you have a bore light?" the customer asks sheepishly.

"No, we don't have any bore lights," says Salesman #2.

Okay.... :rolleyes:

Customer decides he doesn't want the rifle, hands it back to Salesman #2 with the bolt open. "Thank you! You're the first customer to hand me back a rifle with the bolt open!" Customer leaves. Okay.... So then Salesman #2 looks at me. "What can I help you with?"

"Can I see the K-31, please?"

"Uh, I know more of the modern stuff. I'm not really familiar with the historical rifles."

No ****, Sherlock. "It's the rifle right next to the one you just put back."

So he pulls the bolt back, hands me the rifle. I look down the bore, eyeing him from time to time to see if he's gonna comment, but he doesn't. Stock's gouged up worse than usual, and the bore's covered in grease. "Bore's dirty," I mumble.

"Well, it's Russian! What do you expect?" :banghead:

I pull out my Swiss army knife. "It's not Russian. It's Swiss. See the cross, like on my knife?" I hand the rifle back to him, bolt open like he likes. He's trying to shove the bolt back in, but it won't go. "Magazine follower. You have to press down on the....here, I'll do it." I close it for him, and he puts it back up on the rack.

"Thanks for the education," he mutters.

Man, if you don't know, fine. Just be honest, polite, and helpful. Don't go posturing and posing like you're the shiznit when you're not. The guy looking at the M44 obviously knew at least a little, and Salesman #2 practically shamed him outta the store. Who needs Feinstein with salesmen like this?

C'mon, Big 5. Raise the bar a little....
Big 5

Wow. That's a terrible way to treat customers.
The lack of a bore light is an annoyance I encounter at every Big 5 I've gone into. I end up peering around, trying to find the brightest flourescent light (hah!) near the gun counter, turning the rifle this way and that, trying to get a decent look through the barrel. The easiest thing to do would be to take the bolt out of the rifle to peer through the bore, but they have that policy of NEVER REMOVING THE TRIGGER LOCK, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. You wouldn't want the customer to get an idea of the trigger weight, or a good look at the bore.
Yeah, I know, some nutjob could come in and load a bullet into the rifle and fire it. Maybe that's an argument for armed employees.
Then again, with employees like you encountered, loaded weapons might be a baaaaad idea.
Anyway, Big 5, get some bore lights!
Wow, you know if they paid their sporting goods guys twice as much they could get much better people. Of course then they would have to charge twice as much as well...
What's a shiznit?
Im guessing you dont watch MTV? If not, I dont blame you.

Anyway, seems like the first time I heard it was in a hip hop video. And if you remove the "izn" from the middle you know what was said on the CD...
There's two Big 5 stores in my area mand both stores have at least one person who is fairly knowledgable at each store. A guy at one of the stores has a number of Mosin's and likes to talk about guns, shooting and about anything else. I got to look at all 8 of the 91/30 he had in stock when I bought my 1931 Izzy from him. Just waiting on that "right" M44!

Neither store has a bore light (nor do they use trigger locks so it's easy to pull the bolt out) but I found a tiny Mag-light flashlight called "Solitare" that is just slightly larger than a .30 caliber rifle shell. It fits easily in the mag well of a Mosin and even my M1 and Mini-14!! Paid all of $3.99 for it at Lowes. When I go looking for a rifle, I carry it with me.
That's when Salesman #2 swoops in and laughs, "Boy, that's the dumbest way to check a barrel. Man, I don't know how many gun safety rules you just broke!"

Immediately hand him the rifle and say "OK, please show me the correct way."

You go to Big 5 for prices and occasional deals. Not service. Just like WalMart.
I went in to Big 5 to buy a Remington 870. In handling the gun I was ready to purchase, I noticed that the entire gun would freeze solid when I worked the action. I told the lady that I wanted a different one. She said the gun was okay. I showed her why. She got all mad and told me to stop "dry firing" the weapon. I looked at her in amazement and told her to forget about the sale. What an idiot.
Although a bit annoying, I've never held it against any Big 5 employee (or Wallyworld's for that matter) that they were lacking a bit in firearms knowledge. Not everyone's a High Roadster. What I find inexcusable, however, is the lack of people skills. Be courteous and helpful. Is that too much to expect from "salesmen?"

When I was looking for a pair of sneakers earlier, two other salesmen were standing right in front of the display where I needed to look. They were just shootin' the poop, ignoring me, and not bothering to move out of the way. After a few minutes, they took their conversation to the back, where they couldn't be disturbed. When I found a pair of sneakers I liked, I had to go to the register to ask for help.

After that, know-it-all Salesman #2 was just too much. This was in Alhambra, BTW.
For you SoCali's,come to the Big5 in El Segundo,I work in "Dept1" Sat. mornings,am a member of about 10 "boards",consider myself knowledgable about the milsurps,and others,am always helpful and willing to learn what I don't know, and would be darn glad to meet more High Roaders.I've bought 6 or 7 rifles there in the last couple of years.
lets see,
MN 91/30
MN M38
#4 MK1 enfield
Yugo SKS

So it is 7
M44 is next

Keeping an eye out for a GARAND or an M1 Carbine also...
I've always gotten good service and the local Big 5, FWIW. If I ask, the manager will give me the sale price on just about everything.
I walked into a Big 5 and asked the pimply faced kid "Got any .45 acp hollowpoints?". Blank stare. "Uh...that's ammo right?" My turn for blank stare. "Uh...lets see....uh..nope..don't have any.." Started to point out several boxes sitting on the shelf. I deceided it would be easier to just wait for the next gun show.
Why do you go to a large chain store and expect them to know about ANYTHING, much less guns??? The people in the shoe department don't know shoes, the people in the fitness equipment department don't know anything about fitness equipment. It's the same way that at Walmart, the people in the electronics department don't know about electronics.

You want knowledge about electronics, go to an electronics store. You want knowledge about golf clubs, go to a golf store. You want knowledge about guns, go to a gun shop. If you want the cheapest prices you can get, go to B5, WW, etc.
My experience with Big 5 was the most pleasant gun purchase (from a chain store) ever! This was the one in Carson City. I bought a VZ24 Mauser from there a few years ago. First off, the woman at the gun counter was very attractive, and knowledgable. Totally blew me away! She even pointed out that someone had ground off the magazine follower so the bolt could be closed without the follower being depressed. When I looked through the rifles they had on the rack, she told me that they had more in the back and brought out a bunch of boxes until I found the perfect specimen.

Could be 'cause I'm so dang good lookin'! :cool:
It's not just gun clerks in discount stores...

This week, I had to tell two different video store clerks (different stores) how to spell, "Extremities" while trying to find that Farrah Fawcett film.

And one grocery clerk didn't know what radishes are. She had to send for the produce clerk to ID the things. Didn't seem to be able to accept my word for it and check the price sheet. A friend tells me that her co-worker can't tell the differences in mens' and womens' clothing sizes and styles. (They work in a famous clothing shop; both are college students.)

We've raised a generation of functional numbskulls who have egos as large as all outdoors, and the attention span and knowledge of squirrels.
And they aren't all disc jockeys and TV newscasters...

No wonder politicians like Diane Feinstein and Chuckie Shumer get elected.

Lone Star
For some reason when I went into the Wal-Mart today theres was no one at the counter as usual. Then they dont have the .45 ACP ammo lately. I thought wal-mart's policy was to constantly have items in stock. "Great," I think "I already hate wal-mart and I still gotta stop by another shop to get some .45 ACP ammo."

Well, I find a lady working the shelf nearby. I told her I needed some 9mm ammo. Man what a messy experience. I dont blame her all "that much" for not knowing what is what... but damn did she show additude towards the end.

Me: "I would like some 9mm Winchester Value Packs please. It comes in 100 in a box"

Her: "I dont think we carry them, they all look to be 50 in a box."

Me: "Well go down one more shelf. I want the Winchester 9mm in 100 value pack"

Her: *grabs CCI Blazer 9mm* "Here you go"

Me: "No thats not it, its not Winchester, Winchester is in a white box"

Her: "Ok, I think I found it. Here it is." *Hands Over 9mm Winclean*

Me: "Sorry but thats not what I want either. I want the Winchester 100 Round Value Pack." Its to the right more."

Her: "Whats the difference? Its still 9mm."

Me: "The 100 round is a VALUE pack, its cheaper."

Her: "I thought 9mm is 9mm..."

Me: " It is. But the 100 rd value pack is cheaper for 100 rds."

Her: "No, this box is cheaper" *Still holding winclean WWB*

Me: "That box only holds 50 rds, I want the 100 round box. Its cheaper to buy the value pack versus 2 50 round boxes"

Her: *Finally spots 9mm WWB Value pack* "Oh, here it is. let me ring you up at the gardening section."

No sorry or apology from her. Oh man, Wal-mart not only stocked any .45 ACP value packs for the 3rd time I was there... but I've realized they have the most CLUELESS staff and most rude staff also.

Wal-Mart :barf:
See, that's what I'm saying. Okay, expecting every employee to be experts on everything they sell is a bit much. If they are, gravy. If not, fine. Just be helpful and polite. Don't need salespeople to be pretentious, obnoxious, or rude.

I've worked retail sales in the distant past. I was always polite and knowlegable and if I didn't know I admitted it and checked. I was definately an exception.

Most people in these jobs hate them, their life, and everything connected to them both. They don't want to be helpful, they want a better paying and more interesting job and they're going to do just enough to keep from getting fired until they find it.

I've seen this attitude in every job I've had since. People get burnt out but are unable to change their lives for the better. I tried to make a career change recently and all it ended up doing for me is getting right back into the job I had before at a $3 an hour pay cut and a bill for $3500.

But I'm still glad I tried. My attitude was getting pretty lousy and finding out how much worse it could be helped my mood quite a bit :)
they had more in the back and brought out a bunch of boxes until I found the perfect specimen.

No,I do this too, and it has nothing to do with how good-looking the buyer is.I do it because that is how I would want to be treated,to get the best one I could,or at least the lowest date stamp,hex receiver,etc.
You know what would be an interesting job to go around as a consultant and teach corporate stores employees how to have good customer service. God knows someone has to teach them.
Snowman,I see where you're coming from.
I have 3 jobs.One of them is at Big5,one day a week,4 hours,every sat. morning.
I do it because I like it,because I get the discount on stuff.Theres no pressure,so I like being there, and it comes out in my attitude towards the customer.
I'm working 65 or more hours a week at the 2 others.

SR, YEP! That could work.
Of course,OUR corp. office is right next door,our store is supposed to be the model for all the rest.
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