Answers when somebody ask you why you carry

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those who believe in freedom are often so caught up in day-to-day productivity and trying to make ends meet for their families that they don’t take time to hone arguments well. Hence, they don’t defend their faith and ideals well. The left, often with no families or real jobs and no prospects or dreams for either have more time to master debate skills.

So essentially the OP's article's author is saying that people with a liberal mindset have no families, are unemployed, and have no future.

Am I the only one who sees this as bigoted, offensive, and inappropriate for THR? I agree with some of the things listed in this article as probably most of you do, but I would not post a reference to it on THR without a disclaimer or a bit of censorship.

That is of course assuming the OP actually read what he posted.

Now, to go smooth out all those ruffled feathers...
Why always the 9mm hatred? Not to offend anyones religion, but if Cooper was ever wrong about anything, it was his unquestioned love of .45 and all things .45.

With so many flavors, why stick with just one?
"Why do you carry a gun?"
Most common response: "Because I can."

I usually explain it further, but most people who ask already know my stance on guns. I had another pro-gun friend (doesn't carry) run into me at wally world one night. he knew I had just gotten my permit and asked where "it" was. I said "if you can't tell, then I'm doing it right."
I don't advertise the fact that I carry, but its not a secret. I'll discuss it with anyone who will listen.

As for Glenn Bartley, I find your comments a bit anti. You are of course entitled to your opinions, but your post seemed a bit confrontational. Its pretty clear that many of the posts on this thread are a good mix of truth and humor. You don't need to bring the ax down on the only amusing part of what I consider a serious topic. I also don't believe that many people here would be so careless as to tell a responding LEO that "I shot him 10 times because my magazine doesn't hold eleven." I hope your intentions were to make sure people don't self incriminate but I found them condescending. Much of the gun culture I grew up in included dry humor about an otherwise serious and unfortunate subject (unfortunate because I would love to not have to carry, because people were nice.) Please don't take my sunshine away.
PC Emphasis

A remark on "unintended rudeness."

Because I am a free man and choose to walk where I want without fear of being defenseless. No man can be comeplete till he can live his life free and "self" protected.

Really? What if the person asking is a woman? Shocking idea on this board, I know :)

Even if you believe this (which I do not), don't you think the implicit contempt expressed for the person asking is both rude and a turn-off for a potential gun owner?

If you really feel this way, how about just saying "it is my right" and leaving it at that.

Me, I say (and have said) "for self defense"
I don't walk around with a chip on my shoulder. I don't have any sort of gender agenda.

If someone describes a "woman's" right or a "man's" right, I am able to commute either to "one's" right.

I understand that "mankind" is not a gender-specific term. I understand that "man does not live by bread alone" is not gender-specific.

Interestingly, one of the languages that has a gender-neutral form is Danish. Their word for "one" is . . . ready? . . . man. Really. It means "one" or "a person." They also have a gender-neutral word for both "his" and "her" (possessive).

English doesn't. And it's been understood for generations that "man" and "he" and "his" are used in the gender-neutral sense in much writing, to avoid the really awkward "he/she" and "his/her" or the grammatically defective singular "they" and "their" to avoid giving offense.

So, to take offense at "Because I am a free man . . ." because there's a gender-specific word in it, and to take offense because one fails to say "because I am a free person" is to employ the "tyranny of formula" in order to invalidate a concept because "you didn't say it right."

Someone who deliberately takes offense at the way something is phrased, taking delight in missing the point, is engaging in dishonesty and distraction. The assertion is that "you meant to offend me," when, in fact, no such thing happened. "Well, subconsciously, you are gender-prejudiced." Sorry. FAIL. You don't know my subconscious, and it's arrogant and dishonest to pretend you do.

Unable to win an argument on its merits, some people will quite often resort to attacking the language of the argument rather than its substance.

That's a sucker's ruse.

You might not want to try that particular finesse in a discussion wherein I have an active part.
Really? What if the person asking is a woman? Shocking idea on this board, I know

Even if you believe this (which I do not), don't you think the implicit contempt expressed for the person asking is both rude and a turn-off for a potential gun owner?

Well, being a free MAN and not being gender nuetered I tend to talk like a man too. Try it sometime:D

The freedom to carry a gun is rare in this world so use it or lose it.

So essentially the OP's article's author is saying that people with a liberal mindset have no families, are unemployed, and have no future.

Am I the only one who sees this as bigoted, offensive, and inappropriate for THR? I agree with some of the things listed in this article as probably most of you do, but I would not post a reference to it on THR without a disclaimer or a bit of censorship.

That is of course assuming the OP actually read what he posted.

Now, to go smooth out all those ruffled feathers...

If the article says that, then yes it doesn't belong here. I confess I have not read it yet, but will comment on it when I do.

As for the thread question, I carry because I don't want to be a victim.
Yeah, just read the article. It doesn't belong here, and it insults me by saying that I can't come up with my own arguments and need the author's help to do it. Talk about ego. Plus it was just dumb in general. This quote was particularly stupid:

Interesting how liberals/"compassionate conservatives" prompt for safety devices to be installed on cars, but are against safety devices on weapons (e.g. silencers, pistol grips, flash hiders).

Since when is a silencer a safety device? I believe that's why we have ear protection.

Nice that an article that insults an entire group of people can stay up without any complaint by a moderator. Remind me why this site is called "Thehighroad?"
Silencer (Muffler, Suppressor)

Since when is a silencer a safety device? I believe that's why we have ear protection.
Well, since you ask . . .

Would someone living in Europe like to shed some light?

In some parts of Europe, the silencer/muffler/suppressor is, indeed, seen to be a safety device. Those people who can own a firearm can usually (in those areas) simply purchase said muffler without further paperwork.

Look at it another way: why is it that, in this country, if you want to defend your family from an intruder, you are obliged to traumatize your kids, your pets, your spouse, and your neighbors through the simple act of stopping a home invasion? Who made that rule?

Guns fired indoors are very damaging to the hearing of all within those same walls, never mind any emotional trauma. You hear someone breaking into your home and . . . you quickly don a set of muffs (which now impair your hearing, so you can't tell where/how many the invaders are) and then grab your weapon to interdict them before they can harm your family. In the course of this action, it becomes necessary to shoot. Great. YOUR hearing is protected. Your kids, your dog, your spouse . . . wind up with ringing ears and a flinch for days.

All of this could be prevented by the addition of a simple, effective, silencing muffler. Which, of course, you must register and pay a heinous tax stamp for (unless, of course, you're buying on the black market, but who would do that, I wonder?). All for the simple privilege of preserving the hearing of those whose lives you seek to protect.

Don't forget that barrel shrouds are evil, too, because they keep you from burning your hands. Silly man, you should just wear insulated mittens when shooting!
One of the problems in discussing guns with "anti-gun people" is that they have a pre-conceived notion of the kind of person you are. I am generalizing, and this is of course not true in all cases, but when I've been asked about my stance on gun rights, I barely get into my beliefs before the "anti" begins making assumptions that I'm a red-neck, a "gun-nut", a violent person, or simply uneducated. I think that when some people ask why you carry a gun, it is because in their mind, a person who carries a gun is going to use it to commit a crime or because it makes a person feel "macho". It is rare that the anti is posing this question to you with a completely open mind and the trust that you are a decent law-abiding citizen who would hate to actually have to use a gun in self-defense. The media has played a huge part in making the general public believe that gun owners are irresponsible hicks. We as an educated and responsible group of Americans need to distance ourselves from this incorrect image. I wish American gun owners/enthusiasts had a really likeable, educated, well-spoken man or woman to represent us to the mass media and general public. The image of the responsible, law-abiding gun owner needs to be solidified. Maybe then the question, "Why do you carry a gun" can finally be discussed without any prejudicial assumptions being made by the person posing it.
I'm usually the world's worst smart-alek. My mouth has offended more people than McDonald's has customers. But I WOULD STRONGLY REFRAIN from answering someone who asks "Why are you carrying a gun?" in a rude or sarcastic manner.

These people may be misinformed, ignorant, or simply inquisitive, BUT.....they are just like the neighbor who walks up to you as you are putting your poles into your bass boat and asks, "Are you going fishing?". These are people who aren't actively thinking, they are merely BEING CURIOUS.

The absolute WORST THING you could do, (even though it is really tempting), is to be a smart-alek. Here you have an EXCELLENT opportunity to actively sway public opinion (even though it's only one person at a time). It is the greatest opportunity to say "You too, can be one of us! Join our cause! Carry a gun, and express your freedom!".

Smarting off and feeling witty might feel good, but it will only make that person say to themself, "People who carry guns are jerks." If you do that to enough people, you will eventually alienate everyone. And that, my friend, is bad politics.
Nobody's really ever asked me, even the few that know I carry. If I were asked though, my answer is going to be:

Because there are a lot of crazy people out there.
"They can take it away and use it to kill you"
• "If I draw a gun it is because they ALREADY have the means to kill me and I am in fear of my life”.
• “Ah so you are saying they already plan to kill me so I should be unarmed?”
• "If it’s that easy then I’ll just take it right back"
• “They’ll have a tough time because the gun will already be empty” (imply you’d shoot it out).

My variation on that theme:
• They'll have to beat me to death with it. (Implying I'd have shot it empty before they had the chance.)
• If they can take it from me it's because I'm already dead.
• I guess I should carry two then. If they take one I'll shoot with the other.
I wish American gun owners/enthusiasts had a really likeable, educated, well-spoken man or woman to represent us to the mass media and general public.

Tom Selleck ???

* * *

I think the best "who do you carry a gun?" answer is that of Capt. Woodrow Call: "Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it."
I have one...

Why do you carry a gun?

Because, a sucking chest wound is God's way of telling a criminal to stop.


Why do you carry a gun?

Because the Japanese haven't created a concealable police officer yet...
Just ask them if they believe in the Costitution, either you do or not, can't pick and choose which parts you like
Why do I carry?

Because I am getting older, fatter and slower. The days of my self-possessed invincibility and immortality have long since passed. I realize that defending myself and my loved ones with my fists while waiting for someone else to come to our rescue is simply inadequate.
Pretty much everything in that article would be counter-productive if you actually said it. You aren't going to sway anybody to our side by being a sarcastic jerk. A brief, calm response about taking responsibility for your own safety is the way to go. Don't lecture. Don't harangue. Don't rant. Don't be condescending. Avoid use of words like sheeple. You may not convert an anti there on the spot, but that anti will have met and talked with a gun owner who wasn't an overbearing jerk. S/he/it will remember that.
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