Anti Americans there own worst enemy?

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Dec 25, 2002
South of Left Angeles in Casa De Santa Ana, Caulee

The myopic miscreants who make up the anti-American leadership in France, Germany, Austria etc should be proud of their efforts to undermine the US and its attempt to rid the world of a truly evil dictator. By not supporting the US, they have surely set the stage for a world fraught with dangers, unlike anything previous in world history. It is a good bet that all the anti-American rhetoric from European (Talking) Heads of State has bolstered the North Korean leader Kim Jung Il as he violates the nuclear treaties and thumbs his nose at the United States.

Had the Leftist Leaders backed America and the rest of the supporting allies, Saddam Hussein might have felt enough pressure to step down from power, or cough up his weapons of mass destruction. Instead, he arrogantly flaunts his distain for the UN weapons inspectors and the terms of the treaty he signed over 12 years ago.

With the support of so many war protesters, and I believe he does look on this as support, Saddam is taking an aggressive posture and thinks he has the ability to take on the “Imperialist Dogs†in a long protracted high casualty war. Rather than a united front, he sees the world as factional.

Were leaders like Saddam Hussein, Kim Jung Il, Yasser Arafat, Osama bin Laden and the rest of the terrorist dictators in the world faced with a united world front, they might have been less inclined to ply their oppressive ways on their own peoples and, we might not be involved to this degree had it not been for the terrorist attacks on US facilities around the world. The Marine barracks, the American Embassies, the USS Cole, these and others were attacks on military targets and as such constitutes a declaration of war against the United States of America. These acts of war were funded by if not perpetrated by the terrorist dictators of the world.

So the French, Germans, and other Socialist Europeans don’t think it’s necessary to take out Saddam with military force? Would these blissninnies be so passive if terrorists had destroyed landmarks of the stature of the World Trade Center in Paris or Berlin?

:banghead: :fire:
I posted this on another forum...
I would give those hollywood stars a one-way ticket to France or Germany.

I wonder from time to time if Saddam made a smart scud (if there could ever be such a thing) and hit their protesting rally cause it's not really that smart...if they would do an about face and be pro war.

I'm with ya all the way Rick
Being anti American has been a pretty lucrative business since WWII. I used to fume and fuss every time I remembered that most every tin pot dictator was receiving US foreign aid. Now I don't let it upset me. We put most of the badmouthers in power ourself.
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