Anti-gun Hypocrisy??? Say it ain't so!

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Dec 22, 2002
People's Commonwealth of Massachusetts
We've all heard of people who are anti-gun/anti-CCW for others but quietly have their own...

One of my co-workers (technically senior to me but works in another area so I don't report to him) has often made anti-gun comments. His favorite was, "Why do you need a gun? I've never needed a gun in my life. No one needs a gun."

Well, we are in a "may issue" state where the local COP makes the decision as to whether you can or cannot carry. He even makes the decision if you can have the license which allows you to just buy a handgun.

Saturday I am in my local dealers store, listening to him and one of our town cops talk about town issues, history, good guys/bad guys, etc. The man in paragraph two's name comes up because he is getting ready to leave (most people agree that he is a really good guy - other than his anti-gun attitude). Well the cop is talking about him, and casually mentions giving him a gun license many years ago.


Hey, M..., back up a minute. You gave so-and-so a gun license (this officer had previously been a detective and in charge of issuing LTCs in our town)? He confirms this fact.

Amazing I said, because this guy has always come across as anti-gun and saying that people don't need guns.

M... says he doesn't know if so-and-so actually owns a gun but he did give him a license.

I'd love to file a request to see if this person DOES own any firearms but I doubt that FOIA applies here. But it is interesting to find that someone you know personally who comes across as anti-gun but may in fact have their own.

Has anyone else ever found this out about someone you've known?
Would YOU want somebody to be able to file a request for that information? I'm sure the State Police would be glad to stop processing that six month backlog of LTC applications to violate somebody's privacy.

Trying to call this guy "out" is a waste of time. Jerks and hypocrites will never change and there's no reason why you need (more) gray hairs trying to.

"Would YOU want somebody to be able to file a request for that information? I'm sure the State Police would be glad to stop processing that six month backlog of LTC applications to violate somebody's privacy."

I agree with you. However, one faced with such apparent hypocrisy, one wishes they could expose it. Nothing better than being able to show someone up for being two-faced. But I am not ready to give up my right to privacy, nor anyone else's right to satisfy this desire.

So I'll just post about it.
But this is classic anti-hypocrisy: they want the guns, they just don't want you to have them.

A la Rosie O'Donnell and her security guards and a host of others.

No shock at all.
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