Anti-Gun Mayor Convicted on Firearms Charges

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Dec 25, 2002
Eastern PA - Berks/Lehigh Valley

Oh boy--------------this one is too good to pass up!
Thank you Santa! Have at it ................................

"A Mississippi mayor has pleaded guilty to misdemeanor weapons charges after carrying a handgun on church and school property, and a gun rights group thinks now would be a good time for him to step down from Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG)."
On its website, the group says it "respect the rights of law-abiding citizens to own guns" and that their "only interest is in fighting crime."

They're not really anti-gun.....they just don't get the idea of their true idea is. Ok, maybe they are anti-gun and just trying to not sound so bad.
Wow... I'd love to know what kind of "credentials" he had that lets him carry in the capitol building and on commercial flights... and where can I get some?
They're not really anti-gun.....they just don't get the idea of their true idea is. Ok, maybe they are anti-gun and just trying to not sound so bad.

You got it right in the second half. They are anti-gun, as evidenced by their desire to see the ATFE restored to its former gungrabbing glory.
The Hill reported that Melton is known for carrying a firearm with him at all times, including on commercial airline flights and in accompanying Jackson police during crime-fighting efforts.

he thinks he's a cop. this guy's apparent desire to fulfill some sort of dream of being law enforcement sounds like it's translating into heavy-handed, intrusive tactics by police in his city.
Honestly,a person is either anti or pro gun and not,somewhere in the middle.

I sure would love to see folks on this board replace the slander "liberal" with "elitist". That's what these guys are. They think they are smarter and better than us peasants, so yes, the are both anti and pro. Pro for themselves, anti for us.
MAIG? This the same group as the one that the NYC and Philiadelphia mayors are pushing? If so it is totally anti-gun as they want to make it illegal to own most guns, reduce the number of legal guns carried etc. Then they are just "enforcing the law". Sort of makes me wonder about the 92-year old woman in Atlanta; police knocked first and followed procedures.... "just enforcing the law and following our procedures". The woman was probably hard of hearing as most are at that age.
NRA News has been talking about this idiot mayor for a few months. Believe me he is not someone we want on our side he is a complete tool and is constantly doing things that are not smart.
Seems to be a lot of this talking out of both sides of their mouths. It's why I have the sig line that I do. As well as the fact that I live in the state of Hypocracy (NJ)
So this is (once again) really about control.
Mr. Mayor Melton thinks there should be one set of laws for the peasants and then a different set of standards for himself.

As for Bloomberg and company... fun to watch them backpedal on this. Look if you are going to slam down on illegal guns then here's your poster boy.
Keith wheeler, you said it-- "elitist". He wants to carry a gun, legally or illegally, and wants everyone else not to. Maybe only he is professional enough to handle one. Or maybe he just likes unfair advantages. Why else would he be in politics, right?

I suspect that this is true of the vast majority of anti-gun politicians. They're scared of people outgunning them. So their response is to try and take away guns from others, while keeping them for themselves (either on their person or on their bodyguards). Classy, isn't it?
I suspect that this is true of the vast majority of anti-gun politicians. They're scared of people outgunning them. So their response is to try and take away guns from others, while keeping them for themselves (either on their person or on their bodyguards).

Yep. If you add to "politicans" celebrities and others of wealth, fame and power.

All pigs are equal. And none of 'em are Kosher.
And the great Mike Bloomberg commanded: the path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of those who carry guns and the tyrannies of these evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepards the weak through the valley of darkness by taking their guns. For he is truly his brothers' keeper. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to carry a gun and compromise the efforts of MAIG.

Yeah, you don't want to make god angry. He will kick you out of his organization.
A lot of comments on the "elitist" politicians that think they are better than the "peasants". Who are the retarded peasants that keep electing them?
A lot of comments on the "elitist" politicians that think they are better than the "peasants". Who are the retarded peasants that keep electing them?

Well now that's it in a nutshell isn't it :evil:
It's just too bad the sheepdogs are so outnumbered by the sheep.

A politicion that would be a hypocrite about guns,----no way!:barf:
You all are missing the bigger picture here.

It doesn't really matter who commits a crime with a firearm, because the entire firearm community is frowned upon every time. And do you honestly think for one minute that the media at large will make note of his being a hypocrite, rather than simply labeling it as yet another gun crime?
What a deal!

If you are a millionaire, and a mayor, it seems you get to plead down to misdeomenor, pay 1500.00 and walk.

Not bad. How does a peasant get this deal?
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