Any other shooters here in University/College

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When I was finishing up my M.S. in Math/Stats at CSULB, I took out some of my officemates a couple of times to the Firing Line in Huntington Beach. I haven't run into too many problems with the liberals around me, but then again, guns have always been "Don't Ask, Don't tell.".

Since then, my kids in high school have brought up the election and the basic platforms in class because they weren't in the mood to learn Geometry. I had a chance to talk a bit about the AWB and the need for guns as a form of self defense. It's not really something that I wanted to go into too much depth on because it may get back to a potentially unfriendly administration that I'm a "gun nut."
Like Chairman, I am also at at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT, finishing up my BA in International Relations and my Minor in Business Management.

Mostly pro gun culture, although most students from Eastern states are very anti-gun. Lots of international students. I have taken quite a few students shooting, and they always enjoy it. Two of the Russian students I took shooting loved shooting my "real" Russian Saiga AK's, VEPR's and my SKS. Although there is a no guns policy covering the whole campus, I have not heard one teacher make an Anti-gun remark, but the school paper did run a large story on the sunset of the AWB and how it legalized Street Sweepers, Steyr AUG's, etc., I remember that they had everything about it all wrong and what it covered. :rolleyes:

Most students here are not pro-gun nor anti-gun, and the majority know very little about them. A large majority of this group I attribute to having grown up in California. I grew up there and I know the culture well, although I grew up shooting there.

I have introduced a lot of people to shooting and have written several papers on gun control.

I wish there were a shooting club, as I know lots of students own firearms, but it is very hard to hook up with those that really enjoy shooting. Intersting fact is that the University of Utah in SLC used to have a university sponsered shooting team and there is still an underground shooting range on campus that has been closed down for a long time. That would be really cool to have at BYU.
Yeah Hartzpad, I've never seen the Daily Universe get much right when it's gun related. Now, with all those maintenance tunnels that crisscross underneath campus, they should let us convert a couple into shooting lanes.:D Some skeet off the top of the SWKT would be great, except I guess, for the pieces of clay raining down on students' heads. :p
Manhattan, Chicago and Omaha are three places where I'd dearly wish to be armed.

Trippy - I've visited Creighton, and it ain't in a nice neighborhood. Stay safe!

I am working on a state university campus -- a liberal hotbed. I keep my opinions (and my hobbies) to myself.

Ironically, many of these bleedin' heart wackos play networked first-person shooters all afternoon long. Your tax dollars at work. I think they'd faint if they saw a real gun. :D
Marnoot, we really need to get a tight group of BYU students together to go shooting. I just took my CCW class this weekend and I found out how much more I need to practice with my handguns. I love skeet and trap as well as long range rifle shooting and just blasting holes in things. If you're up for it, I only know of a handfull of people that really like to go shooting regularly. I did go shooting one time with Chairman (AKA Adam), he's the one that got me hooked on converting Saiga rifles into AK's. I now have 3 of them.
I'm in Finland, the land of no RKBA but a very high count of privately owned firearms per capita nonwithstanding. Only criminals and police carry here...

After five years in the business jungle I took this year to finish my Master's in sociology, especially criminology, with some business school IT thrown in for good measure. Yes, we do some eclectic academic combinations here. I'm just on the last stretch, graduating in a couple of weeks, and a new job lined up.

I worked in private security during my active studying years in the early 90's and studied criminal violence and use of force in self defence for my thesis. I was the token straight guy at the dept. of sociology... :scrutiny: :eek: :p :D not to mention the token safe and friendly guy everyone wound up asking for advice for personal safety at some point or another. I also taught karate actively at the time. The dept. personnel and fellow students were a totally rainbow-coloured crowd with prevalently womens' studies and all kinds of gender-related topics ruling as thesis subjects. Very hard to find a more "liberal" environment, to put in mildly.

A memory comes to mind... one warm fall evening at the time I happened upon a guy high on something beating up a bus driver at a bus stop downtown and decided to help the driver out (after a quick but very thorough evaluation of the situation, very little physical risk established, zero legal risk, long story short). I separated the two and apprehended the perp, sitting him down on the sidewalk with a solid armlock, then rolling him over face down once he got active again. All very gently, with a lot of clear and loud verbalization mostly for the onlookers' ears ;) . Some onlooker (of dozens just bleating there with big round eyes :fire: :banghead: ) called the police on my instructions ("OMG what do I have to say???"). The police promptly arrived after some five minutes yet and I cuffed the first wrist on the guy to securely hand him over. Gave a brief statement, yet another on the phone the next day, all OK.

Now the actual point of the story. A senior researcher of my dept. had been watching the whole thing through a restaurant window nearby: and he came to talk to me the next day by the coffee machine, commending and thanking me for what I'd done, especially saying how careful with the perpetrator I seemed to go about it (he was an MD himself, researching health policy). Not a single rolleyes from the whole crowd, only positive comments.

Now, this is what I call an open athmosphere for differing views. And hey, I endured for almost two terms of gender studies with a totally straight face too. You know, get to know your enemy and such.
Matt- It is kind of a rougher neighborhood and if I was of age and Nebraska actually had CCW, I might think about packing. But considering I live in the dorms, I don't think I'd want to have a piece until I was off campus. I'd be worried about someone stealing a gun here for sure.

Our campus security is actually fairly effective from what I've heard. They patrol the area within a mile or 3 of the school and the kids from Omaha tell me that it is generally safe enough around there. Once you move out of that halo though, it does start to look straight-up dangerous. I've gone walking by myself(in the middle of the day granted) to the old market near by and haven't felt too nervous, but I think being 5'11" and 245lbs helps a little, haha.

But given the area, I would like to have some sort of concealed weapon I guess.
I'm good, here at MI Tech. We're mostly a engineering school, so there aren't too many liberals here. About the only Kerry stickers I have seen are on cars in the Social Studies department area.

Anyways, we have a pistol range on campus :neener: I have walked clear across campus with three guns in my hand, and no one has said anything, and hardly anyone gave me a second look.

That, and I can drive 5 min in any direction and have all the shooting/hunting land that I want. I like it here :D
Senior at University of South Carolina, majoring in Criminal Justice. I've been surprised to find that most of my classes are split about 50/50 conservative/liberal. That said, I'm one of few gunnies in my classes. My polisci 341 class is an exception, with no less than 5 other 2A supporters out of 25 people in the class. I've set the record straight in a few discussion based classes, and whenever I have to give a presentation I give it on some aspect of RKBA. People look at me a little weird sometimes, but I get better grades than those people so they can kiss my arse :D
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