any THRers into ham radio?

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Staff member
Oct 23, 2004
i was thinking about getting my technician license and a cheap radio. just wondering if there's anyone out there interesting to talk to :)
Yep, General here in Ft Worth. Technician is just too easy NOT to get.

Find a handheld 2M and a repeater book and get after it.

If you haven't found it yet, read up on the IRLP thing. We could all have weekly THR chats with that thing just by linking a bunch of repeaters over the Internet. Very cool stuff.
I have been into shortwave DX about as long as firearms – way before computers began to take up some free time – have a Yaesu FRG-8800.
I read the AARL book for the technician license a couple months ago, but never got around to taking the test. Perhaps soon...
Yes, I'm an Extra and my wife and son are Generals. There seems to be a lot of commonality (sp?) in both hobbies.
Here is KC4HGH, Extra Class! Git yer Tech Plus, then capture that General & get on HF as well as 2M- we've been granted some new freqs in the 60M band that're awesome!

Been in all phases of radio for 38 years now & still having the time of my life!

If you need help, please let me Bud.:D
Been a ham since 1978 or 1979.
Extra Class.
Used to be VERY active. Had a ton of gear. Spent lots of money. Went to the big conventions. Everybody I knew was a ham. Was active on a daily basis on everything from 160 meters to satilites for over 20 years. Had three complete HF stations set up in my shack: each with all the accessories including legal limit amps.
Totally lost interest when the license test was dumbed down to the point where they give you every possible question and every possible answer, word for word. This is a test of how well you memorize, not of your knowledge of radio. The people at the club meetings and on the air reflected this. We went from people building their entire station from the ground up using scrounged parts to people who don't understand how a repeater works. From hams inventing cutting edge electronic equipment to hams having no idea how to install a 2 meter antenna on their car. When the code went out, I sold all my stuff and invested it all into guns. The code was the only thing left that took some kind of commitment and effort to learn.
I sold $10k worth of gear to one guy and had plenty more stuff left over that I gradually sold off or in some cases just threw away. Sold my tower for $500 and never looked back. I haven't heard a ham radio in at least 5 years.
I'm a ham, off and on since the early 1970s. W9KIZ. Advanced ticket. Haven't been on the air in a long time but when I am on, you'll find me on HF CW.

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I'm KB3EEE, but off the air for the time being as my set is toast. (It was pretty dumpy to begin with, i had to put most of the board back together. Now i've blown some tubes, and just getting a new set is WAY easier then continuing my perpetual hunt for the right vac tubes.) :)
i'm not on air anymore, but still carry a tech permit. I have an icom IC-W32A handheld, and i function test it once a month. Handy to have for SHTF scenarios. I probably should join the local ARES chapter.
Got the license to communicate on the motorcycle. The test was so easy, I wonder why they even give it? As someone already said, it's not a knowledge test, it's a memorization test. Still nice to have the license though.
Looking forward to hearing you on the HF bands, Dave! :)

...:( I was just looking at my logbook and I haven't had time to get on the air since July, so when I say "looking forward," it's as much a hope for me was it is for you...

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