Anybody care the new Supreme Court will be of the evangelicals, for the evangelicals?

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Jan 8, 2003
The sort of good news is that the religous right's loud barking about Miers flushed the real truth out: Bush sent Rove on a stroking tour to tell them "not to worry, she is one of us."

Lynn noted that Focus on the Family founder James Dobson shared his conversation with White House adviser Karl Rove during his radio program, saying Rove assured him Miers is "an evangelical Christian from a very conservative church, which is almost universally pro-life."

In addition, Lynn pointed to Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson's remarks on a recent "700 Club" show, saying that if Miers is confirmed, she will be "the first evangelical Christian who has been elevated to the Supreme Court in well over 70 years."

I'm not sure why people like Pat Robertson didn't realize what a dumb idea it was to start shouting over the airwaves what Rove had told them in confidence..... but, at least we know where she stands: Roe. v Wade will be gutted like a Thanksgiving turkey in short order.

Promotion of Miers' Religion 'Appalling,' Group Says
By Melanie Hunter Senior Editor
October 12, 2005

( - A religious watchdog group Wednesday called efforts by the Bush administration to promote Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers' religion "appalling" and "hypocritical."


Lynn accused the Bush administration of using a religious litmus test in selecting federal court nominees. On June 25, 2002, Bush said he would choose judges who "understand that our rights were derived from God," Lynn noted.


Lynn said the Bush administration's touting of Miers' religion as a means to persuade the religious right to back her is hypocritical compared to its treatment of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.

"We were told we weren't even allowed to bring up the topic of religion when John G. Roberts was nominated for the Supreme Court," Lynn said. "Anyone who did was quickly labeled a bigot.

"Now Bush and Rove are touting where Miers goes to church and using that as a selling point," Lynn continued. "The hypocrisy is staggering."

Lynn noted that Focus on the Family founder James Dobson shared his conversation with White House adviser Karl Rove during his radio program, saying Rove assured him Miers is "an evangelical Christian from a very conservative church, which is almost universally pro-life."

In addition, Lynn pointed to Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson's remarks on a recent "700 Club" show, saying that if Miers is confirmed, she will be "the first evangelical Christian who has been elevated to the Supreme Court in well over 70 years."

Lynn also chastised the religious right for "playing along" with the administration's tactics.

"If a nominee's personal religious views are off the table," Lynn said, "why am I not hearing howls of protest from Jerry Falwell, Tony Perkins, Jay Sekulow and others about this cynical exploitation of religion for crass political purposes?"
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