Anyone been to a Friends of NRA event?

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Jun 13, 2006
Central OH
The title says it all...

My wife was reading a copy of America's 1st freedom :)what:). She's started to do that more often and it's scaring me a little. :) Towards the last few pages she saw an fNRA event in Pueblo. She totally surprised me by asking if I wanted to go and asked what the event was like...Unfortunately...I have no idea...formal? informal? speakers? I have absolutely no educate me...please. :)
It really depends on what your local event is like. The ones that I've been to, dress respectable. You don't need a suit or anything, but a shirt with buttons and nice pants would be great. :)
Yep. I've helped organize the last few. Not helping much with this year's because of other stuff I have going on, but I will donate the centerpieces and probably have a table.

Dress ranges all the way from shorts and t-shirts (my son :rolleyes: ) to complete cowboy action get-ups. Most people just dress casually though. It's mostly a fundraiser, but its a good way to network with some of the local gunnies.

This year's event will be at the Union Depot, with a max capacity of 425, so tickets may be short at the last minute. I can put you in touch with someone selling them though.
Yes, they are a worthy effort. I've donated many firearms as well as money.

Good people, good times.:)

Formal? In Lafayette, Indiana? Well, I wear a suit and tie (but I always wear a suit and tie) some guys do shine their work boots.:D

Don't worry if you are not comfortable dressing up. The diversity of the crowd is a reflection of the strength of the NRA. Many different SESs represented. I've sat at table with physicians, chemical engineers, CPAs, plumbers and auto manufacturing factory workers. We all got along and had a great time as we all had a common passion, our liberty.:)
Ours is done as a "something for everyone" kind of deal. Lots of comradery, nationally known NRA speaker, fund raising, eating BBQ, kind of affair. I like to spend my money with the "right" folks, so I am always looking to see what businesses are represented there in case I need their services. Of course the prizes and raffles for eveyone, including kids, are great fun.
Lots of folks from neighboring towns come in and it's nice to renew aquaintances. If I ever go into their town, I'll know who my "friends" are.
Remember, it's for the greatest of our American causes."Without the 2nd Amendment, the rest of them aren't worth the paper they are written on!!"
And don't forget that most (if not all) of the events have a sponsership package. I usually do the lowest (300 dollars or so) at two events a year. About half of that is tax deductable.

I have a gorgeous 870 Wingmaster I won at one a few years ago, and have a little marlin .22 I won last year. You get to meet some great people who have a lot of the same values you do, and usually have some good food. The only thing I disagree with is the serving of alcohol at one of the one I go to. There seems to be a few who don't understand moderation, every year.

I usually wear jeans, button down shirt, cowboy boots and a Colt Delta Elite. But as said, the dress runs from very casual to suits. The one I go to here in Montana often falls on opening day for pheasant season, so you even get camo and blaze orange.

Not much point to this post. Others have put it

well. Buy bunches of raffle tickets,support a good org. & win some guns & stuff. I do.
I've been to a couple and thoroughly enjoyed them both. In Anchorage, AK, dress ranged from Carhartts to coat and tie; locals wear western, aloha shirts, and even a few coats and ties. Usually good food (the one in Anchorage was spectacularly good grub), auctions, drawings, and another good chance to meet other like-minded folks. Go, dress comfortably, and either take lots of $ or hide the credit card--there will be much temptation.
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