Anyone Else Get the Feel Gun Banners Are Expendable

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Feb 28, 2008
Central Florida
I'm not talking about antis, folks who don't like guns and don't want to one are not the problem. It's the ones who want to ban guns that I see are the problems.

Now why do I think they are expendable? I've noticed more and more that these individuals tend to fail as productive members of society. They are liars, hypocrites, thieves, murderers, rapists, drug dealers; no I'm not saying all of them but I've noticed much of their ranks seems to brimming with them. Then there are the 'progressives' who want to destroy the second amendment with their legions of welfare handout taking worthless constituency. The tendency of the self-inflicted ignorant, lazy-charity-demanding-to the point of thievery, unproductive, and deliberately self-unemployed marching in their support.

They always seem to ignore the reality of New Hampshire and Vermont have some of the most unrestrainted laws on gun ownership and having amongst the least crime in their states. They can't point to one genuine success their banning of rights and liberties have accomplished. When their cities are plagued gun prohibiting laws, that in turn has their city plagued by wanton murder, rape, robbery, and drug dealing; their plan is to ban guns in other states and cities.

If they were to diappear in a biblical like 'Rapture' I think the world, wait no, I know the world would be a better place. Not purely because of the guns issue, but for all the other reasons that make them hate guns(the rights of liberty and justice). If I had a pack of five pro-2nd and 100 antis, and I could only save one pack, I'm sure I could sleep peacefully at night knowing I only saved five people's lives.

People think gun ownership is just one issue, I beg to differ. Gun ownership I believe stand for so much more in reality.
Avoid saying on the Internet (phone, letters . . . etc,) that which you do not want your spouse, minister, police, newspaper, or caliphate to hear or use against you.
Perhaps a little prozac would help.

Even though we disagree vehemently with another person's views they are still a person and should be accorded some civility. And painting with a broad brush is always a mistake. Anyway, how can anyone be mad this close to Thanksgiving.
Anyway, how can anyone be mad this close to Thanksgiving.

I can tell you this, I'm more than a little ticked off that I have a really major paper due Tuesday that I'm working on right now. Thankfully, it's almost done, just a couple more pages, proofreading and I have to go back and formalize the footnotes and bibliography.
I view nobody as expendable...just very, very confused. The gun banners are just intensely confused, or outright deceitful. The former seems to be the majority, while the latter tend to be merely the talking heads of the group.

Doesn't that sound a lot like any form of politics in general? The confused masses rallying for a liar? Exactly. Don't hate someone because they had the wool pulled over their eyes, just hope that they see the light before they help cause more damage, and try as you can to help them stumble across enough information of a polite and understandable manner to get them back on the straight and narrow, instead of the road they are currently travelling.

The masses intent is good, but as we all know...the road to hell is paved in such good intentions. The thing is, the right thing to do (freedom) requires tremendous responsibility. Firearms is a crucial part of ensuring that freedom is as difficult to strip from us as possible.
"...thieves, murderers, rapists, drug dealers..." Those people aren't the ones who think you shouldn't be allowed to own firearms. They certainly don't care if firearms are banned or not.
serriously dude, what you saying sounds to me like you think someone should kill them. this is not the place for something like that. you make our side look very bad by saying things like that. the gun-ban crowd may have some seriously flawed ideas, but that doesnt mean they don't have a right to live. anyway this thread will be closed soon
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Let's Not, And Say We Did

You know, this is one of those threads that I would normally leave open, and then tomorrow morning I'd show up in the engine room to find a lively discussion of how it all went off the rails and should we ban member "Totally Roode Idiot" for his uncivil and dramatically un-high-road remarks in it.

I have become acquainted with this pattern over the last couple of years in my usual attempts to give people and topics the benefit of the doubt.

I think this time, rather than tell myself, "they're behaving at the moment, let's let it ride," and then wake up to the aftermath of being wrong (again), I'm gonna go ahead and close it.

You will all understand, there's nothing personal here.

It's just one of those topics that flies like a lead kite.

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