anyone else in trouble with the wife for spending?

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No,no trouble buying new weapons with the boss-lady. However, when my safe was full and weapons were chained under the bed to the bed frame, she put her foot down. Now, if I want to bring home a new gun, one has to go to make room for the new one.
No wife to worry about here, and my gf dosent really care.. but she says i have too many expensive hobbies.. All i need is just one more ar15... just one...
I gave that up years ago

We have a system at my house. It's called Yours, Mine and ours. I suggest you start it at your house as well. It will reduce your debates about dollar$ $pent on what you want.
SInce I do know what going on right now. I don't blame you at all for wanting to stock up on ammo and guns. There is a limit to that. Bills need to be paid and lifes demands need to be delt with. As a woman married to a good man he always discusses it with me before he buys anything. I support him and his decisions. Plus he reloads. I think thats a excellent way to save a few dollars.
I'm blessed in that I duscuss my gun purchases with the missus before I make the purchases, I get her input, and they are paid in cash. I'm pleasantly suprised by the support I get. Ain't love great!?
Yes, I've been put on restriction to no more than one gun a week. The only exceptions are cases where consecutive serial numbers are available. That occasional dry week is terrible, no appetite, can't sleep, the nightmares that the gunshop sells out before you get's not pretty.
I'm more likely to buy a gun on impulse than my husband is... and my ammo costs a lot more than his.

Of course in defense of my spending: I don't like jewelry, I don't own a purse, I have one pair of designer shoes I got at a huge discount for $22 in 2006, I do occasionally work a second job, and the last time I bought clothes was at the beginning of November and those were scrubs for work.

I just think open communication works. We both know what the bills are, we both know what the money coming in is, and we both know that our financial obligations come way before our hobbies.
My Girlfriend used to be an anti-gun, lib. Now she reminds me to grab my heat before I leave the house. Oh how the times have changed. I spend fairly responsibly when it comes to guns. 1 or 2 a year and I trade in ones I don't use or don't like. The only gun I own 1000s of rounds is my SHTF gun. Lots of 7.62X39
heh. My gf makes 80+K a year, lives off of 1.5K a month and dumps the rest into retirement. She wants me to do the same.

I just tell her I'm buying lead futures. :-D
My wife told me to go buy what I wanted to before its too late. So I bought a M1A, AR-10, AR-15, 3 stripped lowers plus parts to finish them and a PSL. I've also bought tons of ammo and magazines. The only thing my wife has ever said about a gun was the 500 S&W Magnum I bought. She asked me what I thought I needed it for. She then bought me a 454 Casull for Christmas 2 months later.

She gets her diamonds and purses I get my guns we tend to get along pretty good most of the time.
I told the wife I needed another safe and here's the conversation..

Her..You already have 3 safes!!! Do you have any idea how much you charged so far on your credit card this year.

Me... No, but I bet you do.

Her...$7000.00 so far this year and I can't even guess how much in cash.

Me.. Aw take a guess, I'll bet your guess will be closer than mine..

Her.. Why don't you just buy a small one for under your desk?

Me.. Great Idea [that's what I wanted in the first place]

Her.. I give up, I don't care what you buy, your hopeless..

Me.. Good because I'm going out to buy a new truck..
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