Anyone ever run for office?

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Dec 25, 2002
Poulsbo, Wa
As I type this, there is an ongoing thread about whether it is time to start the revolution. I for one, think things aren't even close to that point yet.

I also think that voting alone is not to change things. Why not? Let's just look at my state for a minute. In the past few years, in General Elections, the people of Washington voted down spending the states tax money on building a new sports stadium in down-town Seattle, and building a new Tacoma Narrows bridge. Once the people spoke and these issues were voted down, the State Legislature approved them anyways! Were a talking 1 Billion dollars by the time all is said and done.

Now, obviously, the answer is to 'Vote the Bums Out!' for not honoring our wishes. But, as you can and expressing your opinion doesn't always work. So...

I was wondering if anyone out there has ever gone the extra step to try to get involved? Put their name in the hat and run for office. Because...the idea to do so is forming in my mind.

Oh, I'm not Arnold...I'm not going to run for Governor, or even US Senator or Representative, but, maybe a State Rep or Senator...I mean, it only costs $3000 to get your name on the ballot. And...look at my situation. I am an employee of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, which represents a HUGE voting block in Kitsap County...if I was able to get my name out...who knows...

Just random musing's at 5:30 on a Monday morning...but I am interested to hear anyone's experience.

I let a cute officer in the Libertarian party convince me to run for state Rep. once. I frequently woke up in a cold sweat from nighmares where I actually won.:what: That ended when I got a couple hundred votes. Whew!

I ran for town council many years ago when I was living in Pennsylvania. Didn't win.

I've run several times for vice president of my HOA board. The way the laws are structured in Virginia it is pretty much the same thing as being a member of a town council, only in my case a town with only 77 homes and about 450 residents.

Some people were trying to convince me to get involved in Northern Virginia politics, but I've no desire to do that at all.
Running for office..

Yep, currently on the HOA where I live, plan on running for city councel next time a slot open up, with sights to state office and eventually the Oval Office. Once there, I'll begin creation of a Clone Army to deal with the current crisis, and promise to lay aside the powe- cough cough... :evil:

But in all seriousness, yes I have considered it, and yet I do have some political ambitions. I've 'voted the bums out' only to see worse statist bums move in and accelerate the stampede toward tyranny. :cuss: I doubt I can do worse than 99% of the clowns currently in office, and most likely a darn sight better.
Have ran and won election to office at the Township level..Have also gotten appointed to boards in the Township (planning commissioner, fire commissioner, zoning board) Probably will run for the Supervisor's position in a couple of years. Supervisor is boss hog in our Township form of local government. Also hold a trustee position on our County board of public works and a utility authority trusteeship. Also chair a board that assesses (taxes) riparians regarding the health, safety and welfare of a local lake where I live.

I have mixed reviews to report about all this, as doing "public service" in this way can have a very good impact in small ways in local things; but you must guard against letting this go to your head and give you false illusions about yourself. On the other hand, my observation is that the self centered, egotistical dolts that we all run across in life, are the ones you work with at the local political level who attempt to manipulate local things for personal gain who seem to gravitate to higher office.

I have testified before sub committees at the state level and dealt with elected state officials and bureaucrats and seem to find the only things that ever have a chance of getting done are things that tend to prohibit folks from doing things or cost huge sums of money for studying things rather than actually accomplishing any positive or progressive things. I still have the fantasy that government can still actually have some benefit as it can do things collectively better in some ways than private business. The status quo is firmly entrenched especially if it means power and is of course "for the children". Sigh..............I'm getting too cynical. Time for a nap.
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