Anyone save a gun purchase specifically for Memorial day?

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My local dealer is a Vietnam vet (chopper pilot). He recognizes Memorial Day. I'll catch him next weekend. I don't get caught up in the "Memorial Day Specials" most businesses advertise.
I hope you didn't have to install it today.
Thanks, but I managed to put it off for another day. We're replacing it because it's old and don't want a repeat of what we experienced a bunch of years ago when one failed.

Would rather have spent the money on a pocket pistol I've been wanting.
I couldn't resist honoring our revolutionary war veterans with a 2nd amendment purchase:

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Bought a Ruger SR-9 C on Saturday, does that count? Bought an Inland Carbine the Saturday before. Closer to honoring Memorial Day?
I am planning to budget a new 1911 purchase for next year sometime...not sure if there is an appropriate date, other than when I can afford it!
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