"Anywhere" Gun Guidance

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Apr 15, 2004
I've got 2 full sized pistols and am moving on to an anywhere gun. I am looking a a SW 642 and a Kel-Tec P3AT.

Here is info about me:
Wanting pocket carry (I carry a trifold in my front pocket now so I am used to a lil size in my pocket)
Usually wear loose Levis (529s and the like); during the summer will wear khakis as well

Here are my thoughts on each contributions would be great.

Little bigger
Stouter round
More expensive (not a big deal)
More reliable
5 rounds

Small and Light
Some reliablity concerns (but I think they can be resolved)]
Weaker round
6 rounds

I had been planning on a 642 but seeing the little Kel-Tec it really caught my eye. I will probably end up with both but this will be my "all-time" gun for about the next 9 months.


i have a 9-32, p-3at and a magnaported smith 640. love them all, i usually carry the p3 as it is more concealable and this is a must for me. when i worked uniform the 640 rode in a kramer pocket holster in the right front pocket. i used to keep it in my hand while doing field interviews. i always wondered what i would say to the inevitable media about the smoking hole in the groin area of my pants if i had to use it.
Consider, also, the Kahr PM9. My 642, a sweet little piece, has found a new home in the safe since I got my PM9.

I wouldn't consider the Kel-Tec as anything but a backup or jogging gun.
Consider the Rohrbaugh...

You may want to consider the Rohrbaugh. It is about the size of the Keltec P3AT, 9mm, surprisingly accurate and made as well or better than a fine Swiss Watch... used to be. :)
bratch said:
Small and Light
Some reliablity concerns (but I think they can be resolved)]
Weaker round
6 rounds

A minor nit: The P3AT has a capacity of 6+1 rounds. It has become my "always" gun.
My experience has been that, for jean carry, the P3AT is essentially the only game in town. Before picking mine up, I stuck a Kahr PM9 and a S&W Sc. revolver in, and even without a pocket holster, they both stuck out from my jeans pocket like bricks. My P3AT snuggled inside a Hedley pocket holster, on the other hand, just about disappears in my loose'ish jeans.
I wear 505 levis, and the 642 fits in my pocket with uncle mikes #3 pocket holster, no problem (also smartcarry), when I was having the same debate as you, I figured a 200.00 might work gun, as apposed to a 99% sure will work gun, was a plus. also in the winter I can put it in a coat pocket and shoot if needed, no slide to jam. just my opinion though.
I have gone back and forth on this issue ever since Kel-Tec came out with the P32. My solution was to have both the j-frame (SW638) and the Kel-Tec P3AT. My P3AT has been wrung out and has been reliable (despite the extractor pin working loose and scratching the aluminum frame) and is waiting to be sent back for the Hard Chrome upgrade.

When I get the P3AT back, I will use the SW for instances where my pocket guns has to double as a primary CCW. The Kel-Tec will be used as a back-up to a larger primary weapon.

I've owned four Kel-Tec's, and I'm afraid I just can't consider them reliable enough to trust my life to them. I've had the same trouble with three Kahr pistols. As a result, my pocket guns are either a S&W 442/642, or a Glock 27. All are as reliable as the day is long, and are concealable with the right pocket holster, even in jeans (I have a 442 in a pocket holster as I type this).
I suggest the revolver. AS Mas Ayoob has pointed out many times, no revolver in the history of the NYPD has failed to fire in teh line of duty, no matter how neglected it may have been. Enough for me. I've got a Smith 649 for "anywhere" use.
I went into a shop to buy a S&W Scandium revolver, and walked out with a CS9, which weighs more but is thinner and shorter.
Well, try this little experiment. Set your alarm clock to 3:30 in the morning. When you are suddenly awakened - jump out of bed and imagine yourself faced with the situation where the only thing standing between you and eternity - or the next 30 years in a nursing home in a vegetative state - is one of two handguns sitting on the night stand - a small frame .38 revolver or a small frame .380 Auto.

Which one would you instinctivly reach for????

You already know the answer - don't you!!!
Well, try this little experiment. Set your alarm clock to 3:30 in the morning. When you are suddenly awakened - jump out of bed and imagine yourself faced with the situation where the only thing standing between you and eternity - or the next 30 years in a nursing home in a vegetative state - is one of two handguns sitting on the night stand - a small frame .38 revolver or a small frame .380 Auto.

Which one would you instinctivly reach for????

No need to limit yourself to an "always" gun in the bedroom. I'd drop the P3AT into my undies, then reach for the 12 gauge...
Which one would you instinctivly reach for????

Actually I was thinking either the big honkin' .45 SIG or the bigger meaner 12 bore Marine Magnum. But that's just me.

In answer to the original posters question. My always gun is a Smith M60. 5 shots of .357 in an ultra reliable package give me more warm fuzzies then a itty bitty semi auto shooting an itty bitty round. Just my two cents. So 642 is my suggestion.

The big honkin SIG or 12 bore give me lots more warm fuzzies though:D
Carry two, Murphy will be withyou

:) When at work, there is a Kel Tec P11 [yes it is reliable] in a null pocket holster right front pocket, and a 'get off of me' S&W 642 in a Null pocket holster in the left front pocket.

At work, carrying a gun on the belt even IWB is difficult because of the space we work in--but pockets work well. Just do your pants shopping with your carry guns. Pockets can be modified, made larger, reinforced, etc.
To answer Original Post - 642.

What I would do is find an older used S&W in .38spl. Save a little money and end up with better quality.

Now I personally only carry .38spl and above for "anywhere" , " always" , "maybe" or BUG.

I have a P-11 that has proven reliable for I'm guessing ~20k rds. I also have used the J frames for I have no idea how many rds .

Dress around the gun, use a good belt, holster, belly holster, pocket holster, whatever...add a the correct "attitude" about carrying and one is set.
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