AR Quick Access Storage

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Jan 23, 2011
I'm not sure this is the right place, but I couldn't think of any better place to post this.

Has anyone heard of some sort of "quick access" storage for an AR? I'd like to be able to keep an AR in a closet or something similar, in a locked fashion, that I can quickly access it.

Everyone's seen those biometric safes, where either a thumb print or a quick combination done can be entered and the door flies open.

Anyone seen something like this in the size for an AR? Preferably something wall mountable or along those lines?
I've only seen those biometric safes in pistol-sized versions.

How about something like this: (I google firearm wall storage)

or this:

Or this:

Santa Cruz Weapon Setup chart, I think this gives you what you need for each setup:
It appears that Santa Cruz mostly supplies weapon locks for police cruisers, but I'm sure you could adapt them to home/closet storage. The only issue is they don't appear to have any trigger protection so you'd need to store your AR unloaded, preferrably with a secured magazine nearby.

I think earlier this week someone posted a pic of a metal bracket for storing a shotgun on a wall. I think it wrapped around the trigger guard, but I don't think I've ever seen something like that for an AR.

If you know any friendly police officers in your area, you could talk to them about this subject. They might know of some products since they probably have at least 1 AR in their vehicle and/or home.
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I like the V-line, but don't you sometimes wish they'd have one that fit nicely between wall studs? :) Homack has one, but it's just a little too wide to put two of them together, side-by-side (something I'd like on one wall.)
One thing to keep in mind is that wall-mounted lockers tend to become part of the wall.

Kinda defeats the purpose of have a quick access locker if you have to slide the clothes over, then move your guitar and workboots to get to it.
I used to use an old electric police cruiser lock for my one shotgun when my kids were small. The gun was mounted on the wall next to the door, while the button was placed on top of the door frame, up and away at a full arm span reach from the gun, and had to be held (I took the "delay" out of the loop) while the gun was pulled from the rack.

Worked real well, and they never did find the button, I asked.

If you go with something like it, I would go with a battery back up in the line so if the power goes out, you can still access the gun. My buddy is an electrician, and hooked an old battery back up emergency light (the kind you find in office buildings) up to mine as a back up power source. If the power is cut, it automatically switches over.
+1 on the V-line model that fits between the wall studs. I pass it off as my "laptop locker" to friends who don't like guns. For hiding it, a handyman could probably build a full-length mirror over it, one that would open like a cabinet door. Right now my wife is working on a tall & narrow decorative quilt that will hang in front of the safe, something that could easily be shoved to one side.
I'm a fan of the V-line products.

AMSEC has a nice unit coming out shortly as well that can sit under your bed. It's going to be more expensive, but appears to be well designed.
I just have a rack mounted on the inside of the closet up high for storing my home defense Ar15. Its not locked away. I just keep a loaded mag in the gun. If I needed a gun in the middle of the night I can have it in my hands, loaded in a matter of 3-4 seconds or so.
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