ar15 mags - D&H

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Jul 31, 2007
Palmetto State Armory has them on black friday special for 5.99. Just wondering if these are any good or is there a better deal for the money. Cheapest I've seen so far and plan on getting like 10 or so... they also have ak47 surplus mags on sale but reading the reviews some of them are missing parts and some are still "unissued". thanks.
I only have experiance with the 10rd teflon-coated versions for both 5.56mm and 7.62mm that have the Magpul anti-tilt follower and they work great. The 10rd 5.56mm mags are 40% lighter than 10rd p-mags.

i know they're built to military specs and stamped but all my mags are the gray coating. I prefer the aluminum mags anyways. as long as they work (teflon) i will try them. about a year ago i spent around $200 for 10 mags (brownells), now's my chance to buy some at a low price...
At $5.99/each can you really go wrong? I just ordered 4 of them myself. If I didn't prefer 20 round mags I certainly would have picked up more.
good to go. If didn't already have plenty, I would get some. That is a very fair price.
Iirc d&h is formerly labelle? In any event I've had hundreds of these and used or given away almost all of them with no complaints. There were some complaints I vaguely remember reading years ago on a thread here but I wouldn't hesitate to buy a couple hundred at that price. Just get the magpul followers in them.
D&H mags are GTG.

I have used dozens for years with no problem.

IMHO, as far as Aluminum AR mags go...the Brownells and NHMTG are the "Corvettes"

The D&H are the "Camaro's"

And the other, ASC.. etc are the wannabes...

I keep the NHMTG's for the Bug Out gear and use the hell out of the D&H at the range.

If there is another "Shooting / GunGrab issue" ... those $5.99 / $6.99 D&H's will be worth 5 times what you paid for them.

Buy them cheap... and stack them deep.
At that price you can just throw away the ones that don't work or pass it to a buddy and see if it works for him.
I bought used GI mags at the Louisville Gun Show and they went for $5.00 each.
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