Archie Bunker Gun Quotes

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READY..RIGHT - " It's pretty amazing what a hold the anti-gun elitists had on the television in the 1960s and 70s."

And the '80s and the '90s, and the '00s.

As for "All In The Family," yes, the writers were extremely left wing, and the show's creator, Norman Lear, was and is as left wing liberal as one can imagine.

In real life, everyone in the cast from O'Conner, Meatloaf, on down, was a died-in-the-wool leftist.

in one episode he wanted to scare a guy into believing he had a gun collection,he told the guy he was going to stay home & clean his guns. he had a german schmouser with a teleflugal sight. he "had" one or two others,cant remember what he called them...
Ah jeez, how many a yous watched the show in it's first airing?

As a kid, I enjoyed the the theme song immensely :) (the family guy writers stole parts of it for their theme but that's ok b/c it's funny).
He is/was absolutely anti-gun in real life...!! A real bleeding heart liberal...!

Bushmaster, I'd like to know where you got this information. Carol O'Conner was (pasted away several years ago) a proud gun owner.

I grew up less than 10 miles from Covington, GA (where he filmed "In the Heat of the Night") and I now live in the town. I knew the owner/gunsmith of the shop that did all the work on the guns for the show. He (my friend) said that Carol (O'Conner) had an amazing gun collection, as he'd worked /cleaned several of them. I personally saw/handled his personal Colt Python (talk about beautiful and smooth), that gun was the epitome of what a revolver should be.

I loved that man.

This country needs him now more than ever.

Carrol O'Connor (Archie Bunker) was an ultra liberal. His TV character was the opposite of what he really was.

From his Bio:

"In real life, he was the total opposite of his "Archie Bunker" character. In fact, his "All in the Family" (1971) co-star Rob Reiner once remarked that O'Connor was even more liberal than Reiner himself."
Archie Bunker: You're supposed to be the big bug on the Constitution, right? Well the first amendment guarantees that baby the right to bear a machine gun.

Mike Stivic: The first amendment guarantees free speech.

Archie Bunker: Same thing, buddy boy. If you got a gun in your hand, you're free to make any speech you want to.

This man is my hero!!!:D
Whatever his leanings, if the creators were liberals, the show sure backfired on them.
Whatever his leanings, if the creators were liberals, the show sure backfired on them.

I remember as a kid all of the "Archie Bunker for President" bumper stickers and Tee shirts everyone was wearing.
WOW, just imagine what it would be like if Archie was president now!!! America could be free and we could all feel safe again. I'm gonna try and dream about that tonight, been having bad ones lately(since Nov. actually). I could handle waking up in the morning with a smile on my face.
Yeah, but we'd have Stretch Cunningham as Secretary of Labor, Gloria running the old Health, Education and Welfare Department, Edith at the Red Cross, and Michael as Ambassador to Mongolia.
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