Are 'Gun Enthusiasts' also Packrats as a general rule?

Gun Enthusiasts - Are you also a Packrat?

  • Not at all - I'd throw out my own kids if they got in the way.

    Votes: 30 10.9%
  • Not too much really - I can part with old items I won't need to save space

    Votes: 64 23.3%
  • Fair to Midland

    Votes: 41 14.9%
  • Yes, I keep most miscellaneous things around for years, just in case

    Votes: 122 44.4%
  • Are you kidding? I have valentines cards I recieved in the 3rd grade, and I recycle my paper towels!

    Votes: 18 6.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Nov 14, 2007
Bear with me on this one - A large chunk of the reasons for gun ownership, especially beyond hunting (but even to some extent collecting hunting guns) revolves around preparedness/ planning for unlikely scenarios - let's face it, realistically, most people (thankfully) will never have to use a gun in self-defense, let alone a Mad Max or Katrina or other (gawd help me) "SHTF" scenario. So as a group (at least among 'gun enthusiasts', not merely 'gun owners'), we are typically the boy scout / be prepared for all contingencies/ self-sufficient / think ahead and plan for a rainy day types. Realistically, most of us have way more firepower in the way of self-defense guns than we'd likely ever need (or our entire neighborhood or family for that matter).

Well, packrats such as myself tend to keep a little of everything, and by dang, when we clean out the garage, we're not gonna chunk those jar of nails, screws and other fasteners we inherited from our grandpa's garage (yes I'm serious) because you just never know when they might be needed, and I could save .30 plus gasoline by not making a trip to Ace hardware. Besides, what if you need that screw during an ice storm or hurricane and Ace is closed!?! Then you'll not be able to hang the picture for the wife until the ice storm is over!!!!!!!!!!

So it seems to me that packratting and gun ownership go hand in hand to a large extent. Therefore, please vote in the poll.
I HATE CLUTTER!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, realize I have a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and a pack rat for a wife so my house basically is clutter. My kids have more toys than I think I owned during my entire childhood. My wife has boxes of cassette tapes from high school, we have no cassette player. If i could drive a track-hoe with a snow plow through my house and just start over I would!!!
One of the symptoms of compulsive hoarding is collecting things... ANYTHING, not just guns. You could make the same generalization about people who collect stuffed animals.
True, but the possible NEED for guns is a bit more realistic than the possible NEED for a beanie baby collection.

"Need" is a subjective thing. My Mom has no need for guns but she "needs" a mountain of junk in the spare room. When my parents moved a couple of years ago I threw out a dozen boxes full of washed and stacked margarine tubs and several 55 gallon garbage bags full of plastic grocery sacks. She was raised during The Depression and just can't bring her self to throw out a perfectly good jar, bottle or bag.
I will usually disect something before I throw it away. I have a handfull of power cords( come in handy when making lights) and I just made some gator lights that plug into a cigarette lighter, the cords were left over from old radar detectors.
A couple of coffee cans full of screws that were kept from jobs when I worked (I just used about 60 stainless screws that were free to me on my boat).
Most of of the time if I need a spacer, I will get a steel casing that was picked up at the range cut it to the length that I need and use it.
One pack rat here.

I purge things from time to time, but I part with them begrudgingly.

I don't think there is any cause and effect or direct corelationship.
Pretty much a minimalist here. I need to have everything organized and not cluttered everywhere.
As a rule I keep things forever. Has nothing to do with shooting, it's my character.

Dr. Tad: I believe the phrase is "Fair to middling". Midland is a town in west Texas.
Although I am intrigued by the metaphor implied by, "Fair to Midland." I guess we should all strive to be fair to Midland, since the people of that town do us no harm.

Edit: See Karen's post above.
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You got me pegged

My wife hates the fact that I will stop along the highway and pick up a plastic 5-gallon bucket when I see one that has separated itself from a vehicle. I have several in my garage; most are not being used... yet. But she and I both have been known to hop into a dumpster to retrieve something we thought we couldn't live without!

I have a steel 20-gallon drum, that I cut the top off of, in my garage. I'm not sure what I'm going to use it for, but I couldn't pass it up.

When my wife wrecked her car, years ago, I took the wheels and tires off to keep, before sending the junker to the scrap yard. They are still stacked in my garage.

I think you get the idea. I have a three car garage that I can't park one car in. So, we are just about finished with an outbuilding that I erected out back of my house, to hold all my junk, and so we can actually park our cars in the garage.

+1 on coffee cans full of random fasteners too.:D
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I have found that keeping junk actually costs me money. Because when I need something I know I have, I can't find it and I end up buying a new one. Plus junk detracts from the quality of my life, which is one of my priorites.

So I keep things I know I'll need or use, but I get rid of most the rest. It is few and far between that I buy back some junk I got rid of.
Yes...I am guilty of being a pack rat.
However at this very moment I am doing a remodel project at the home and have finally started chunking decades of clutter.
Not easy at times to throw away things.
I hate waste.
I try to evaluate things based on whether or not I've used them in the past 2 years or so. If something has not been used in that time, then I try and get rid of it.

You might be interested in seeing this George Carlin video on 'stuff'. George was pretty perceptive, and makes you rethink all the junk you have, and why you have it. Plus, it's very funny:
Well "guns" tend to attract "clutter."
You get a holster for a given weapon. It's ok, but not quite right. So you get another.
If it's CC, you need three or four holsters before you find a good "right" one. And, even then, you might need more than one for different circumstances.

Gee, go get a Garand. Easy, right? Well, you need en bloc clips. Cheap way to do that one task by itself is to get a bucketfull. Which means you need a bucket. Oh, and probably another to clean the 25¢ clips. But, while walking out of the show, you catch a great deal on ammo in en bloc clips in bandoliers. So, now you need a place to store the bandoliers; and the bucket; oh, and the metal ammo can the bandoliers came in. Oh, and the boxes of 30-06, and the weapon itself; oh, and the carrying case, too. Wit, and the combo tool, and the cleaning kit, and the front and rear sight protectors . . .

Clutter, what clutter? <g>
I keep some stuff, but I do not need 25 jars of the same screw. I try to keep it all in moderation. I have many hobbies so I have a lot of things, but most are not superfluous. I actually like throwing things away. It makes me feel cleaner.
I was a packrat to some extent, kept things that I thought I may need and 10 years later still haven't used, then right as you get rid of something you need it, but I have started to purge all of the unnecessary stuff and purge the clutter, garage sales are a good way and since I was laid off in February it has been a good way to purge clutter and make some cash.
I guess I'm a pragmatic packrat. I'll pick up anything that I think that I can use, trade, or sell. If it turns out that I was wrong, out it goes.

I've walked away from everything that I've owned so many times that I tend to keep stuff that's disposable. I don't worry about a little clutter. It'll go away... or I will.

Problem solved.
Your post is correct but I dont think they go hand in hand. A person could have alot of guns and not be a packrat and you could be a packrat and only have one gun.

I myself have been "packrating" I prefer the term "collecting stuff" I wont need for years before I even bought a gun. I havent been collecting guns for very long but have a decent collection imo. Do I have a gun that I dont need sure (maybe but I doubt it) Do I have a gun that I wont ever shoot NO. Do I have stuff that I probably wont ever use, yes, but if I do then I already have it and wont have to go buy it of course.

Do you know how long it takes to get a decent colection of nails and fasteners and screws and bolts and nuts and washers. YEARS and YEARS. And you might as well keep that old screen door handle you may need the spring out of it someday right.

And you can never have to many buckets, maybe stopping on the side of the highway may be a bit much but it does keep the highway clean. I dont know maybe you can, keep twenty and give the rest to a friend.

Ones mans junk is another mans treasure.
Not at all. I abhor clutter and the older I get the more I feel the burden of things. I try to use the Untimely Death test for all my possesions. If I die tomorrow would anyone find this useful, beautiful, or interesting enough to keep? Or would it just go in the trash or to the Goodwill. I've cleaned up a couple of "estates" and I'm amazed at the stuff people will let clutter up their lives for decades.
I am a minimalist by nature and throw away anything that is extraneous or unnecessary. I suspect that many gun enthusiasts are like this, but I could be wrong. My chain of thinking goes like this: clutter --> disorganization --> potential accidents --> injury or death. I know it's a stretch, but that is how my mind is structured. I think the military beats that into you from Day One.
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