Are people who would punch another over an offensive act/remark qualified to carry?

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I've met many who claim that they are incapable of a violent reaction to "mere words."

It has nothing to do with "capable", Thumper. It has everything to do with impulse control. When I was a child, fisticuffs were the only way to settle playground insults. Now that I am an adult, with a gun on my hip 24/7 (which means any exchange of blows could become lethal), I refrain from the impulse to respond to the hooting of lower primates with force.

However, I will not have hands laid on me. Period. Pushing and shoving and rolling in the dirt are for little boys & girls; when one is an adult that becomes "assault & battery" and will be responded to accordingly.

...and maybe that's why folks are so polite around here. ;)
Texas sounds like my kind of place!.....Yee Ha!

When I was younger a fist fight was just that ...a fist fight ...and me and my three brothers were not the types to walk away from one ......not on our block...or in our neighborhood for that matter.
We were very territorial and respected the rules of the neighborhood and insisted that others respect them as well.The rules were based on common sense and it was clear when somebody was out of line......a punch in the nose was the sollution most of the time and the cops took the word of the locals almost without question.
Times were good and everyone felt safe...old ladys and children included.
.................................guess what?...............................................

NYC has since changed.....and I am scared to death at the idea of having to strike someone in fear of what the courts might do to me.......people lie and bear false witness to the police when they see a man on his A** and they ask no questions as to who is right or wrong......only that the man who struck this poor fellow should be locked up.....think I'm kidding?.....I'm not.

As for the question...

Are people who would physically attack another person over an offensive act or remark qualified to carry or own a firearm?

Yes.....Can we define offensive act or remark?......I think a good man or women CAN........but I KNOW the legal system most certainlly CAN NOT.

So.......Where does that leave us...Pick your fights carefully.
Let's change the focus here a tad. Suppose you have a favorite venue, such as a public park. This public venue is the hangout of a particularly offensive individual. You regularly visit this venue with a significant other, or perhaps a child. The offensive individual gets in your face, making suggestive comments about your SO or child. The first time, you leave quietly. The second time, you warn him to leave you alone; he doesn't, you leave. The third time, you bring the cops. He behaves until the cops leave.

Your choices are, basically, to stop visiting the park (an encroachment upon your rights) or to re-educate the offending individual. The cops are unlikely to be of assistance, since they saw no evidence of misbehavior.

Are we obligated to avoid places where we may expect to meet with unpleasant behavior? Should we change our lifestyle to accomodate antisocial people? I think not.
"Are we obligated to avoid places where we may expect to meet with unpleasant behavior?" posted by Col. mustard

Just wondering sir, why wouldn't one avoid (avoid, not stop going to at all) a place where they EXPECTED to meet such people? I mean, if one knew there was a strong likelyhood that one would be exposed to this type of person and knew, in advance, how he/she would react to such a meeting, why would one go? I understand that sometimes, one has no choice whether one will be at a given place. I also understand that there are times and places where one never knows who they will meet. Again, I'm only asking about those places one doesn't have to be at, yet chooses to, knowing they can't control themselves. If one can control theirself, then I agree with you.

As for one changing one's lifestyle to accomodate antisocial people, I don't think one needs to do that. But I see nothing wrong, or cowardly as some have suggested, with one accomodating one's self by attempting to avoid those with "unpleasent behavior". Even if one can control theirself when meeting such people, the expereince can prove to be something one doesn't wish to have.

Sir, I guess what I'm asking is, when someone avoids an unpleasent person or place, just who is being "accomodated", the person doing the avoiding or the person being avoided?
Are people who would physically attack another person over an offensive act or remark qualified to carry or own a firearm?
He didn't shoot the person did he? By restraining from aerating the aggressor, I would say he is qualified.
Are people who would physically attack another person over an offensive act or remark qualified to carry or own a firearm?

No to strike another person (except to defend oneslf from the use of physical force) is a crime that demonstrates total disqualification to own or carry a firearm.

If you cant control your anger, you have no business possessing lethal weapons.

You say, "If you can't control your anger, you have no business possessing lethal weapons."

I'll agree with your statement, although I don't believe I'm taking it the way you mean it. I can control my anger. That does NOT mean anybody can do anything to me or my family that does not involve force.

You also note, " strike another person (except to defend oneself from the use of physical force) is a crime that demonstrates total disqualification to own or carry a firearm."

Sorry, friend, I believe you mis-spoke. Furthermore, there are exceptions which are recognized by law in Texas.
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A drunken wino (panhandler) blocked my wife's way as we came out of a theater. The doorway (a back exit we never will use again) was narrow—we couldn't pass. Your statement requires me to stand there and debate with him or retreat backwards into the flow of people pushing us forward.

Sorry, but the "debate" was short-lived. When he refused to let us pass I reached around my wife and pushed my finger into that little hollow spot at the base of his neck (supra-sternal notch) and helped him out of our way.

I wasn't angry. I didn't hurt him. I used a very minor "pain compliance" technique to move him backwards.

I was NOT going to argue with a drunk or wait until he sobered up.
I did NOT know if he had cronies prepared to attack us.
I won't play by HIS plan. If my way is blocked, I will (after a short "request" session) either retreat or attack (with restrained, non-lethal force so much as possible).

I will not insult you by believing what you said is what you meant, but I will pay you the respect of agreeing with you that excessive force (for each circumstance) calls into question a person's judgment. Recall the legal phrase "totality of the circumstances."

So you make your choices for your family, I'll make mine. Folks who threaten others should remember there are still a few old buggers like me out there should they plan to intimidate another person—even with mere abusive language or demeanor.

Yeah, I live in Texas. But I have a cousin in Connecticut who has a much shorter fuse than I have, so would-be intimidators should not rely upon mere geography for their safety when acting obnoxious. ;)
If they are quick to punch someone then they will probley be quick to shoot someone. People who cant control themselves should not have quick access to a gun.
I've never drawn my pistol on anybody that didn't end u under arrest and that's the truth of the matter.

I've never struck anybody that didn't need restrained (on or off the job)and that's the truth of the matter.

I've never shot anybody that I didn't mean to kill and that's the truth of the matter.

Ahenry, Shame on you for insulting little old ladies, (even hypothetically) Get to church and beg forgiveness.

Blackhawk, Where I'm from a shove is not battery. The Ohio Revised Code specifically states that there must be a liklihood of injury. A shove on the shoulder isn't likely to cause injury.

I will step back and qualify my remarks with the original context of this thread as was clariied by the originator.

Calling a woman a C@#$ doesn't offend me at all and I would walk away leaving that person with the information that they are low class.

Burning the Flag (of the United States) I probably have a minority opinion on this matter and it was forged by my former First Sergeant.

I put on the Uniform of the United States Army to give every moron the right to express his opinion including those that see it fit to burn the flag. I would defend his or her right to be an ******* again if required.

The last one I had to try to remember since I'm not a Christian.

This one has very little effect on me aas well. People of low class will be people of low class regardless of how many lumps they recieve. I fully realise that I can't and won't change the world with my defense of any of these situations. In fact I don't really consider these situations at all.
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