Armed Biker at the Carnival!!!

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Furs are the rage among politicos up here. I saw several along the highway in amazing amounts of fur this last election. I was wondering if there was an open season on them, actually. But then you can't shoot from the roadway
Sheriff: "You aren't listening again...If you're that afraid, secure your pistol in your vehicle or at the local police station and I'll detail two deputies to be your bodyguards while you're here."
I would've taken him up on his offer just for spite...AND stayed until they closed the place down.

That would be tempting! You could make them hold big gobs of cotton candy and stuffed animals while you had fun.

The best answer is that since he was on a bike, he didn't want to leave the gun to get stolen. Most Hogs only have saddle bags for storage, if any.
Ya'll missed it:

The Sherrif was up for re-election.

He was grandstanding for the crowd.

I wouldn't be surprised if the biker was an accomplice, and they met for beers afterwards.

But that's just me.

I'm cynical.
PA does allow open carry......well, actually open carry is never mentioned in the, you can legally open carry in PA. Expect to have someone more than likely call the police......and you'll be checked out thoroughly.
Sheriff: "You aren't listening again...If you're that afraid, secure your pistol in your vehicle or at the local police station and I'll detail two deputies to be your bodyguards while you're here."
Ho boy ... I would have fun with that.
You fellows make me proud. I have 2 harley's and long hair and a full beard.

Have never been charged with a felony, much less convicted. AND have a CCW that in order to possess, had every little detail of my life checked by the governing authorties. They found that I was an up-standing, law abiding person regardless of appearances.

Thanks for remembering that the rules apply to every one or none at all.
Ho boy ... I would have fun with that.

How exactly? Given that the deputies who are called out for this kind of thing are almost entirely part-timers, it would be interesting. I am one of the very, very few part-timers who isn't a 50-something retired state cop or retired military. Yeah, there would be fun all right...
Now where did I put that flame retardant?

When I wore a badge in KY there was no such thing as a permit to carry concealed. Unless you were a "Peace Officer" or a "Mail Carrier while in the process of delivering mail" you couldn't do it. Period, no way, no how.

BUT... open carry had been a legal option for a gazillion years.

So in a case like this open carry would have been, technically, a lawful act.

However, just about anyone who knew anything about guns and the laws, also knew what you could and could not get away with.

If you were to carry openely to your local hardware store chances are nothing would ever be said.
If you were to carry openly at the local county fair or in the local Wal-Mart you COULD be cited or arrested for "disorderly conduct".
Disorderly Conduct was defined by the Kentucky Revised Statues, as public actions that could be a cause of "affront or alarm".

So in this case, the gentleman in question, by his looks and demeanour, could be reasonably expected, to cause "affront or alarm" of the people attending.

A uniformed officer should cause any concern. You expect to see that.

A prudent person would have known this. I know a lot of bikers and biker types. (Hells Bells, I even rode a little before I broke my back and I still look the part.) Most of them are intelligent. Well at least the real ones are. Anyway, a prudent person, knowing what might happen, would have chosen to carry concealed as was/is his right.

What we all need to remember is that our individual rights should not interfere with the individual rights of others. His individual right to carry should not interfere with individual rights of the other people attanding to feel safe and secure.

Just as you have the right to assemble peacefully and sing protest songs and make loud speechs protesting the movie Barfing Over Columbine,
you DON'T have the right to do it in my back yard at 5:30am while I am trying to sleep.

What it boils down to is that this entire incident has very little to do with rights and more to do with manners and good ol' common courtesy.

Would as big of a deal have been made over a 9to5 looking, soccer dad, wearing Dockers and a Polo shirt, carrying a j-frame in a thumbreak paddle holster? Probably not. Is that fair? Pssst LIFE ain't fair Sparkey, it never has been and never will be.

If you wanna carry openly where it's lawful, fine, but do it politely.

Besides the gun bit, he shoulda, PUT ON A SHIRT!
Cover your gut, nobody want's to see it. :barf:
This is the real world, manners DO count.

Re-election or not, the Sheriff did him a FAVOUR!
I am willing to bet that the cops were wearing guns at this family event. Why would they need to carry at a family event? What are they afraid of?
Blues, enormous distinction between illegality and civility. I care nothing for facial hair (especially the monkey butt [and BTW what's up with the monkey butt and the backwards hat? The monkey's butt sez "look at me, I'm dangerous" while the backwards hat sez "I'm just a little boy, don't expect much from me". You kids today!]), men with Hayzeusesque long hair, and am a strong proponent of bathing and shaving, and wearing a shirt, usually of the yuppie scum variety.

However, I do not set my dress code as the law (goodness knows we would all look better, smell better and behave better). If the biker did nothing illegal, then the police did a lot of things illegally. Just because I do not like the "looks" of an individual does not mean I get to violate their civil rights.

If the biker was not violating the "disorderly conduct" statute or like in Penn's woods, then he should fight back. Sue Barney and Andy into receivership and yell loud and hard to the media and the Prosecuting Attorney (or whatever they call prosecutors out there).
How exactly? Given that the deputies who are called out for this kind of thing are almost entirely part-timers, it would be interesting. I am one of the very, very few part-timers who isn't a 50-something retired state cop or retired military. Yeah, there would be fun all right...
Heh ... how? I'd take it as my due. I don't mind a few cops hanging out with me at a carnival. They'd be bored out of their minds, but that's not my fault.
I understand the sentiment of the sheriff. Many folks find the sight of a gun carried by a non-LEO disturbing. He is trying to accomodate them as well as the biker since he is sheriff to everyone. However, the appropriate answer from the sheriff would be "listen, I know its your right, but would you do us a favor and carry that in a concealed manner? It would cause far less stress for everyone. You don't have to do it, but we would consider it a favor." If he doesn't, then the sheriff has a right to tail the guy with two deputies and look for any possible violation he can to cart the guy off with.
If you were to carry openely to your local hardware store chances are nothing would ever be said.
If you were to carry openly at the local county fair or in the local Wal-Mart you COULD be cited or arrested for "disorderly conduct".
Disorderly Conduct was defined by the Kentucky Revised Statues, as public actions that could be a cause of "affront or alarm".

So in this case, the gentleman in question, by his looks and demeanour, could be reasonably expected, to cause "affront or alarm" of the people attending.
I find it interesting that they can drag you into court based on charges that the basis of which would not hold up in testimony in that same court. Testimony that calls for a conclusion, or is based on an opinion, supposition, speculation, or has no basis in fact -- fact being an overt act which can be testified to the veracity of that act -- and the defense/prosecution would be on their feet screaming "OBJECTION" to which the judge would say "Sustained". This law calls for the conclusion that someone has been in some way offended to the point of abject fear. If the officer is that person, to what use is the firearm he carries?
Sounds kinda staged. The biker might have been the sheriff's nephew or blackmailed into doing this in exchange for a 30 day stay in the iron bar motel. Job security worries us all, eh? Looks like the shepherd.. Errrrr sheriff will win the next election by a landslide.

I ride a bike. I wear leather. I have a beard and long hair (sometimes). I carry (all the time). I have not experienced any unwelcoming prejudice in my travels (and I do get around). I was trailed halfway through the state of Kansas once, but they didn't order me around like I had no rights.

What self respecting anti-social biker type would be caught dead mingling with all those sheeps? Wild horses couldn't drag me into a situation like that. For what reason? Fun? Hahhaha.
If it's an open carry state, citizens should be used to seeing firearms out in public places without being alarmed about it.

Even though he (the biker) doesn't seem to be in a very dangerous environment while at a carnival, he probably packs all the time (just like a lot of folks who hang out here on THR).

The Sheriff was out of line with his handling of the biker. That's probably because he doesn't like bikers and this was a convenient reason.

Sign me "King" aka a biker with two Harley Davidson's and I'm packing concealed whereever I go in Texas. No open carry here handguns here.
I guess if you want to have rights in this country, you have to look like everyone else, have the same skin tone as everyone else, and use some sort of socially responsible vehicle to get from point A to point B. .:rolleyes:

He should have asked the police why they need to carry guns in an event that is full of women and children.

Just because someone is wearing leather (which is for personal protection also) doesn't make them a criminal. I attended an event put on by Harley davidson this summer that drew about 200,000 bikers, and yes even women and children, there were a total of 7 arrests at the event, most for public intoxication.

If one more person asks [whining satirical voice] somebody ask the cops why theeey need to carry guuuuns at a widdle carny-val full of wimmin and kiddies [/whining satirical voice] I'm gonna BARF :barf: :barf:

It's their JOB for Pete's sake! Geeesh what do you expect? British Bobbys? :what:
Is anyone actually insinuating that police ought to work unarmed? :rolleyes:
You know what you call a cop without a gun? Yeah that's right, a Security Guard.
Admit it, even Andy Griffith looked kinda silly without a Sam Brown belt. He looked more like a Good Humor Ice Cream Man than a sheriff.

If it had been just another "good ol' boy" wearing a Cat hat, flannel shirt with no buttons just flopping in the breeze, worn out work boots, oil stained jeans and a 9mm in a shoulder holster on the outside of his shirt it would still have been the same.

The fact that he was a biker is incidental. It's his actions and demeanor that were in question. Could it have been handled differently? Of course it could have. Could it have been handled better? Quite probably.

Remember all of this happened on a side street. Not in plain sight by the main flock of sheeple and it was all defused before it got out of hand.

In my not so humble opinion the guy was there to get a reaction.
He bloody well KNEW that somebody would say something about it.

Maybe he was looking for a lawsuit?
Maybe he was thinking of death by cop?
Maybe he was looking to start a fight?
Maybe he was just has a craving for stale cotton candy?
Maybe he was just standing up for his RKBA?
Maybe he just wanted his 15 minutes of fame?
Maybe YOU want to represented on TV and in the media by a guy dressed like him but I don't.

Who knows what was in his mind. Maybe it was something, maybe it was nothing. The bottom line is that it all worked out. Nobody was hurt. Nobody paniced. Nobody went to jail. EVERYBODY went home safely that night.

I'll bet you a dollar to a doughnut that the guy isn't a menber of THR.
In fact why is it that you don't hear of a THRer pulling a lame stunt like this?
I'll tell you why. Because no matter how we look, we don't act this way.

If you saw the exact same guy on a sitcom or an eposode of Cops you bust a gut laughing at him.

To all of you who say you ride and wear leather and look the type, maybe you do, but you don't act this stupid.
He was NOT acting like a biker, cause bikers ain't stoopid.

This guy was just a MORON who happened to own a motorcycle. :scrutiny:
I kind of look at this as there are three types of opinions for every issues. For, against and don't cares. When somebody does something like this it runs the risk of causing some of the don't cares to start caring. An example, I hunt deer. Every year I shoot a few, put 'em in the truck and drop 'em off at the processer to nicely package for me. My wife comes from a non-hunting family and just didn't care if I went or not. One day we're driving home from Houston and a suburban pulls in front of us with a dead deer strapped onto the luggage rack and dripping blood down the back window and spraying drops onto the windshields of other cars. Wonder how many other don't cares, like my wife, developed an opinion based on the 'burb. Was he legal? Yes, does that mean he couldn't have wrapped the deer in a tarp or something? When you get in peoples faces you tend to force them to take sides. I know this guy was exercising his legal rights but he was doing nothing to further the cause and possibly costing it some supporters or changing a few don't cares minds. Just my take.

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