Arsenal AK finish/paint issues

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Jun 12, 2005
Phoenix Az
Im looking to buy an Arsenal SLR 107R in the next couple weeks.

In doing my research everything Ive read says its a fantastic AKM. I have a couple friends with Arsenal AKs and they shoot really well. Those rifles definitely disproved the "inaccurate AK" myth for me.

However one issue that seems to come up every so often is the paint on finish that they use. There are multiple reports out there of the finish bubbling and peeling off.

Is this a bad batch type of situation? Is it an overblown issue that isn't very common?
I don't think it's a bad batch or overblown. I think it's an authentic AK finish that isn't really all that great.

It look like black paint over Parkerizing and the paint comes off pretty easy.

I babied my SLR106fr and the paint still chipped easily.
I've had a SLR 107 FR for a few years and haven't had any issues. I don't necessarily baby it, but I do try to keep from getting a lot of solvent on the finish. I believe it is parkerized underneath the paint, so you should be ok even if the paint does come off.

I wouldn't worry about it. Enjoy the rifle!
The finish on the SGL rifles would come off with some solvents. I think the SLR is better. The old milled bulgarians were just some fairly tough black paint.
Keep a spray can of flat black BBQ grill paint handy.

The paint (on mine) is over parkerizing. It's apparently accurate Commie arsenal paint. The problem is the solvent they used is alcohol, so some common solvents will remove it. CLP is fine, as is good gun oils. Aggressive solvents (like brake cleaner and some soaps) will damage it.

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