Assault rifle

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Sounds like he thinks he's special. After that he's got a couple facts wrong, and the rest is just opinion.
He can shut up.

That was my thought about 2.87 paragraphs into the blog. In general, people are far more dangerous exercising 1st amendment rights than 2nd. This guy makes that point in spades, and he won't be well received on either side of the debate.

His argument is not logical and makes no sense. What is the point he is trying to make? Criminals do not obey gun laws - that is why they are 'criminals'. A citizen has a right to defend themselves and others. I heard in the Colorado movie theatre shooting, it took police 20 minutes to arrive!? Do you think the American pioneers or the Poles in the Warsaw ghetto of WWII took gun classes or proficiency training?! Blah, blah, blah! Wake up America! :banghead:
I heard in the Colorado movie theatre shooting, it took police 20 minutes to arrive!?

You heard wrong. They were there less than 2 minutes after the 911 calls started coming in.

Not that it really matters, since the shooter was done by then. They certainly weren't able to prevent anything.
The fact of the matter is, if one or more armed citizens had been present and started to throw lead back at the shooter it would have at least thrown him off his perverted misson and diverted his fire or at best taken him out.
That author makes several very broad generalizations about gun owners and self defense practitioners, which are completely unsubstantiated. Also he tries to make the claim that concealed carry is legal and highly prevalent in the area where the shooting took place, but he is apparently unaware that CO is without a preemption law, and the city of Aurora prohibits concealed carry. Altogether a terribly researched article with a strongly asserted yet ignorant opinion.

BTW his two claims are not contradictory... you can believe both that gun control doesn't work and self-defense doesn't work. Of course his arguments are ineffectual, but I think it threw some of you off because those are two claims that are usually made from opposite sides of the "usual" debate on gun control.
Texas is the only state in the union where open carry is illegal (the ability to carry a gun in public for all to see).
Thats where I stopped reading, guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
In Kentucky open carry is legal, and at least few more.
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^read the statement again. he says OC is illegal in Texas, which is true. however, i don't know if it's the only state where OC is illegal.
however, i don't know if it's the only state where OC is illegal.

It's not, and there are also many localities within states that prohibit OC. Here in CO, it's lawful everywhere but Denver on account of our preemption laws (Denver gets "Home rule" :rolleyes:). States without preemption have an ugly map of go/no-go zones.
The author give way too much credit to military and police in general.

There are certainly plenty of excellent / expert / professional shooters among the military and LEO community. I take nothing away from them. However in my experience I would put more faith in the skills of my civilian gun enthusiast friends than the average LEO or soldier.
There are at least 8 examples each month in front of American Rifleman that prove this tool wrong. Some of them quite senior in stature. His age and use of the term "Assault Rifle" should clue you in to his relative experience. I suppose he really thinks he's experienced at only 31. Ha!

Yes, someone competent carrying in that situation "could" have made a difference. They also could have run screaming out of the building. Instead, all you ended up with were victims.

I'm pretty certain if it were between him and me it would have been him. But, then I suppose the world really is fully of pussies and posers. I know several, who compete for the title biggest pussy in the Universe on a daily basis. Talk to "most" any cop and he'll readily admit he's marginally well paid clean-up man, as unfortunately was the case with this situation.
There are at least 8 examples each month in front of American Rifleman that prove this tool wrong. Some of them quite senior in stature. His age and use of the term "Assault Rifle" should clue you in to his relative experience. I suppose he really thinks he's experienced at only 31. Ha!

Yes, someone competent carrying in that situation "could" have made a difference. They also could have run screaming out of the building. Instead, all you ended up with were victims.

I'm pretty certain if it were between him and me it would have been him. But, then I suppose the world really is fully of pussies and posers. I know several, who compete for the title biggest pussy in the Universe on a daily basis. Talk to "most" any cop and he'll readily admit he's marginally well paid clean-up man, as unfortunately was the case with this situation.
Age doesn't beget experience. But, he's still an idiot.
What an idiot . How did this story even get published. I think if I were talking to him, we would have problems about the second time he said shutup. Throw him under the bus . Sounds like a anti trying to get published.
Agree, but it is a pretty fair predictor.
Subjective. Depends on what the elder has experience of that a younger gentleman lacks, therefore ignorance isn't to do with age, but rather the subject.

The gent in question, being of an age that is young, but lightly seasoned, still hasn't the experience that I'd relish after having called his rifle an "assault" rifle. However, there are many acquaintances of mine, any where from ten to twenty years my senior, that do the same. Their ignorance does not bode well for their age. I've more experience in that regard.
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I call bull pucky.

I find it funny how people do extrordinary things to save someone they care about. My brother wrecked his motorcycle at 140 mph 2 years ago while riding with my yougest brother. They were going way to fast and my youngest brother slowed down and pulled right into my other brothers lane causing a collision. My youngest brother lost his muffler my other brother went cart-wheeling down the freeway at 140 mph. He not only survived but he got up and ran about a 1/4 mile to make sure my younger brother was ok. He fractured his hand, dented in and fractured his skull, litterally had his tattoo on his left bicept taken off by asphalt, and didn't have much but muscle left on his back from about halfway down up to his shoulders. As I said he survived. The doctor said he didn't have much of a chance, they said he would probably die from infection. The love my brothers have(or had) was tremendous. I lost this brother last year when some punk kid ran him off the road while on his Harley. My other brother was killed, shot in the stomach with a 12-gauge full of buck shot two days into his leave from Iraq. It is just my yougest brother and myself that are still alive and If I wasn't armed I would at the very least rush a armed psyco just for my little brother to have a chance to get away. I ran into a burning apartment when I was 11 to save him once, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Now fast forward, to this psyco tuck-fard shooting people wholesale. I can't help but guess there were family, married couples, and best friends in the audience. I'm of the mind that if someone was armed they would have fired back, maybe not enough to kill or incapacitate but enough to make this guy think about leaving. This is just my opinion, but after seeing and hearing about heroism all the time I would say this guy is so full of crap his hair and eyes must be brown. How many of you would run like cowards and not try to protect your wife? Your brother? Your mother? Your son? Your daughter? Your father? Your sister? Maybe this guy knows he's a coward and would trip his wife on his way to the door to make sure he would live.

Sorry guys, I went on a little rant. This kind of thing sticks in my craw. I guess I think that as U.S. citizens we go a little further, we are a nation of heroes. We do heroic things everyday. I always thought we cared about our fellow man and woman, enough to even try to save a stranger(happens often also). But with guys like this saying "you wouldn't have a chance" makes me sick. Hopefully we all don't turn into cowards, like this guy has. This is poison, it makes us all look less than what we are. The best, most free nation of people in the world.

That is as close as I would like to come to writing an article.
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