Assault weapons program on KQED/NPR

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Mar 23, 2003
KQED (the SF bay area NPR station) just ran a hour segment and debate on their "Forum" program about the "Assault Weapons" ban with state senator Don Perata and Chuck Michel from the CRPA. I think Chuck did an excellent job remaining calm and laying down the facts on how pointless both the Federal and state bans are, especially with wave after wave of whining anti-gun callers.

Perata, for his part, seemed to ignore the points raised by Chuck and was unrepentant about his earlier statement that "Olympic target shooters can move to Texas". He had to leave halfway through for a roll call vote, and was replaced with some Brady buncher. Too bad, I wanted to call in and ask Perata about why he thinks he deserves a CCW more than the rest of us peasants. :cuss:

I'll try to post an audio link to the segment when it becomes available.
I want to hit that link.

No, I don't want to hit that link.

Hold it, where is my blood pressure cuff?
Don Perata actually *SAID* that? Not a myth or a ploy by the antis to get us to give them psycho sounding audio bytes?

I can't even describe an approrpiate response for him.
Good Lord...Chuck puts out all the arguments clearly and politely, and Perata basically sticks his fingers in his ears and say "LALALALALALA!"

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