At least one of my Senators gets it

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Both of Montana's senators don't get it. No surprise there with Baucus, after all he introduced the first AWB for Clinton. He's a proven Demoratic party shill, witness that "Obama" care was a bill introduced by - ah, you guessed it!

Tester however, has consistently pushed himself as a gun owner who will actively fight for pro-2nd rights. But, he "borrowed" several millions of dollars from the DNC to pay for the late media push that got him elected to his first term. Suspicious minds might think that that note gets called when a critical vote is due.

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The Michigan Senatards don't get it either. Levin isn't running for re-election and so has nothing to lose, and Stabenow hasn't had an original thought her entire career.

Although it was a wasted effort, I did email them both about their support of the UBC bill. I pretty much asked them if anything in the bill would have stopped Newtown, VA Tech, Aurora, Tucson, Columbine, or any other high profile shooting. I then gave examples if how UBCs wouldn't have changed anything because theft and straw purchases are already illegal, and many if those killers passed the existing NICS checks.

I don't expect anything but maybe a form letter from a staffer that does not address anything in my email.

Useless oxygen theives.
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