Atf 2015-1

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But all it takes is the wrong owner, manager, disgruntled grunt, or blabby friend/family to get the ATF looking, and at that point the first inning is likely to be lost. So, the practical result will be a general 'chilling' of the lawful exercise of our building rights in public places, the main emphasis being on official/organized settings.

Who wants to volunteer their garage/CNC for an 80% build party? After all, last week it was perfectly legal; so what's the worry? ;) I sure hope the ATF realizes this is gonna light a fire under home builders to become more self-sufficient (which, in conjunction with the internet community, will lead to a general increase in overall capabilities, not our isolation), and only drive more and more stubborn/shady people over the legal event horizon into much darker territory.

That Ayn Rand quote about the virtuous being ungovernable is very fitting, today.

I sure hope the ATF realizes this is gonna light a fire under home builders to become more self-sufficient (which, in conjunction with the internet community, will lead to a general increase in overall capabilities, not our isolation), and only drive more and more stubborn/shady people over the legal event horizon into much darker territory.

I hope the don't, not until it's far too late. But yes, I expect there will be a run on these in the not-so-distant future


And some of the folks who buy them will take it to the next level, learning how to build more with less. Like the Khyber pass, but with a lot more money and technology.

The genie is out of the bottle, and though the interwebz have given the .gov incredible monitoring and information farming capability, it has also disseminated information that was previously rather difficult and costly to get your hands on. No longer does one need to look at physical document or microfiche patents to find blueprints or design their own weapon from scratch, no longer does one need to attend school, personally know a machinist and/or buy expensive books to learn. And no longer is the prospect of machining prohibitively expensive; With the above mini mill, a couple upgrades and some tooling, totaling <$1,000, a person has at their disposal the equipment to build a fairly sophisticated repeating firearm from raw materials.
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