Australian Murders up 20% ("a victory for gun laws"?)

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Dec 28, 2002
Near Sydney, Australia
The Australian Institute of Criminology recently released their Report #46, "Homicide in Australia, 2001-2002", which shows that Murder went up by 20% for the last (fiscal) year. This was a dramatic and frightening aspect to consider about living in Australia. Strangely, none of the major Media outlets ran this information! (You can get it from:

Multiple Murders increased, Knife Murders increased. Instruments used included "brute force" (fists and choking) and "blunt objects" ( cricket bats, bricks, etc.), while multiple murderers used motor car exhaust, pillows, matches, etc.

With the Australian Prime Minister such a fanatical Firearms Hater, why haven't we heard him claim that these latest figures are "..a Victory for My Gun Laws"?? Isn't it the P.M.'s twisted logic that it is unacceptable for a person to be killed by a gun, but apparently of little concern that people are being killed in greater numbers, by knives, bricks and cricket bats?
An interesting point is that 52 people were murdered by firearms, which is about average, for past 10years!
Prime Minister John Howard promised us "a safer Australia", if we all handed in our semi-auto .22s and shotguns.
That's why Law Abiding Firearms Owners had to hand in 600.000 harmless rabbit rifles and fox guns, and why Police now put maximum effort into harassing Firearms Owners, for minor breaches of ever-complicated laws, while the REAL CRIMINALS, Mentally Disturbed and Drug Dealers, apparently get an easy run? ("Not enough resources", claim the Police Unions)

We are about to be faced with another round of gun buy-backs, (estimated cost to taxpayers, $250,000); this time it's Registered Handguns, to be forcibly removed from Licenced Sports Shooters,( which had been shown by all studies to be of no danger to anyone!). Since the real problems in Australian Society, such as drugs, unemployment, family breakdowns, poor education, violent Films and Computer games, remain ignored, let's place our bets now, on yet another dramatic and frightening increase in murders next year.
Following the Prime Minister's directive each State has to now prepare their own laws, since Firearms are a State responsibility.
Perhaps some of you would like to address your comments to the NSW (State) Police Minister, John Watkins on [email protected]
Of course, refer to above data, but keep in mind that Australian's do not have a "right to bear arms" like in USA!
Interestingly, Prime Minister Howard is about to visit President Bush on his ranch, so I hope George W. takes little johnny out to shoot some "dangerous high-powered semi-automatic Handguns" like anything shorter barrel than 120mm or over .38cal.!!! (..that is, as the new laws proscribe..)

Peter Whelan


Gun Owners Liberation Front


Is there ANY evidence of your average taxpaying getting a clue?

Or is what is being done is being done in spite of your average taxpayer?

In other words, is there real popular supoport for the gov't's actions?
Haha! This is the title of the media release for the report:
Reduction in the use of firearms to commit homicide
I guess they have "spin" there, too. (I wonder if it goes the other way 'round "down under"? :)

"That's why Law Abiding Firearms Owners had to hand in 600.000 harmless rabbit rifles and fox guns"


Could someone please tell me exactly what a harmless rabbit rifle would be?

Seems to me if it was harmless, it wouldnt be a very good rabbit rifle.
Australian Murder up 20%

The "average Taxpayer", really doesn't have a clue. The 1996 laws were sold, by Prime Minister and Media as "getting rid of dangerous and unnecessary guns" and show pictures of crushed Browning A5s, Remington 1100s, Sterling 10/.22s and the odd deer rifles , 5-shot centrefire semi-autos, with the caption reading " thousands of Military Style weapons being crushed", plus photos of our "Dear and Revered Leader" Howard, with the Japanese P.M. congratulated him for "His tough stand against the Gun Lobby"!! We could feel our relatives lost in New Guinea, Changi, or Burma Railway, rolling around in their graves.
One thing is certain, however, voters have started to question many things the Feds are doing; Howard heads the Liberal Party. At the time of Howard's election,to Federal Government, (1996, just before the Port Arthur, Tasmania, Mass Murders) all Australian States and Territories had Liberal Governments, except NSW (my state) and Queensland (National Party, which is the Liberal-Coalition Partner).
Since then, ALL States and Territories have switched to Labor Governments and NSW's Labor Party has steadily increased its majority. BUT, "Gun Control" has been the Labor Policy for many years, so Howard,has either deliberately, or naively played right into Labor Party hands!
The Print Media, in Australia, is controlled by Rupert Murdoch, who is well known as "King Maker", and his papers led the push for "Tougher Gun Laws". Howard dined "privately" with Murdoch, in Washington, on evening of Sept 10th 2001. As well, it is rumoured that Mrs. Howard is in close personal contact with one of the leaders of "Gun Control Australia".
More info on our Gun Laws can be found at
Australian Murder up 20%

Answer to Lone_Gunman, re "harmless" rifles and shotties. Sorry for the semantics, but the "harmless" refers to the fact that for many years under most State Laws, Licenced Firearms Owners had to keep all guns stored in a locked highly secure safe, with bolts removed and ammo stored seperately, also locked. (self-defence with a firearm is not allowed). Considering they are just metal and steel, and just resting there in the dark, we emphasise "harmless". They only become active when some person deliberately takes one, loads it up, takes aim and fires! The ani-gunners like to refer to all these well secured firearms as "dangerous", so our best counter is "harmless".
Now back to the discussion... The AIC records that 52 people were killed with firearms, which is about average for the past 10 years. There were 49 firearms murders in 1994 and 49 firearms murders in 2001 (calender year, Jan -Dec, The AIC confuse their figures by using "fiscal" year, July-June! The AIC is a Government Department!!)
I'm off Deer Hunting for a week, so keep up the good work.
Gary Kleck comes to mind. Seems like people in other countries like Australia and England , never grasp simple concepts.

Intent of the perp first, sometimes they use a tool.

Guns prevent/reduce crime, saves live, etc.

Less "means" for persons to protect themselves equals more death and injury.

Government is not always looking out for anyone except themselves...and they don't even get that right.

Lets face it some "media" is nothing more than a great psyco-babble tool to "spin" the sheeple into slavery and control.

My responsibility is to myself...regardless what others may think, say, or propose. Sometimes you gotta break the rules.
Well... if you trace the bloodlines.. you will find the PM is really a distant cousin to Sarah Brady..

To be killed by a gun, is murder..

To be killed by a brick, is just bad luck, or at least that's what they would like us to believe..
"Would it make you feel any better, little goil, if they was pushed out of windows?"
"Why, yes! Could you arrange it thus, old chap?"

(with apologies to Archie Bunker):scrutiny:
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