I have a Springfield XD-9 sub-compact for my CCW and I am in love with it. I do like that fact that this "little one" has 10 in the clip. But I would like to buy a 1911 someday with 10 or maybe more rounds in the clip.
(did pre-ban 1911's have more than 10 rounds in the clip???) I remember when Beretta 92,96's had 15 +1 back in the 1980's. So why question is: Do you think handgun makers will go back to selling high cap. handguns again? Should I wait till maybe a month after the Ban is dead (assuming Bush wins and nobody tries to sneek in a new AW ban bill in) thinking that the handgun makers will start producing them on the shelves by then??
I would love to buy a 5 inch XD but why buy now and have a 10 clipper when maybe in a few months they may offer a 15 clipper. ( I am assuming that even thought all xd clips would work, the handle would have to be made wider to store the 15 rounds.....I have no idea) What do you think??
(did pre-ban 1911's have more than 10 rounds in the clip???) I remember when Beretta 92,96's had 15 +1 back in the 1980's. So why question is: Do you think handgun makers will go back to selling high cap. handguns again? Should I wait till maybe a month after the Ban is dead (assuming Bush wins and nobody tries to sneek in a new AW ban bill in) thinking that the handgun makers will start producing them on the shelves by then??
I would love to buy a 5 inch XD but why buy now and have a 10 clipper when maybe in a few months they may offer a 15 clipper. ( I am assuming that even thought all xd clips would work, the handle would have to be made wider to store the 15 rounds.....I have no idea) What do you think??