AW poll.. blow it up boys and girls

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good,, I hope it gets posted everywhere about 12 times.. these polls are a small part of getting anti gunners to realize how important guns are for our countries health..
Why is it that every single poll like this show the "gun nuts" are very much the majority, yet politicians still believe that they are doing what the people want by trying to ban guns??
Just voted! Everyone swarm this thing!

This thread has an all-too-appropriate title.

Some of the comments on the poll page by those in favor of a new ban nearly made my head explode.
I voted on that earlier today. Some of the pro-ban comments are astoundingly ignorant and downright moronic. It just shows how some people believe everything that the mass media spoon feeds them.

I voted. This is the first time I saw the thread & therefore had the opportunity to vote.

If it hadn't been posted again, I would not have voted either.

Voted. Good to see us winning in such a landslide on the liberal media's poll.
Some of the poll comments are hilarious:

There is no reason in the world to own one of these guns unless you are a terrorist or drug dealer.

I don't even know what to say about that.

why does anyone need an assault rifle?

Why do you need a car with air conditioning? Why do you need a $4 moccachino latte?

Unless you are in the Military - you should have no need for an automatic weapon.

Someone might want to tell that fellow that a ban on assault weapons has no effect on automatic weapons...

The right to arms was written in the days of muskets and cannons. Assault weapons should be banned.

And the right to freedom of the press was written in the days of letterpresses and quill pens.

Assult weapons and cop killer bullets . . . no justification for either.
I didn't see this poll before; just threw in my NO vote. Thanks! I hope this gets the attention of those in positions of influence.
The 2nd amendment was written to make sure Americans can protect themselves from their own government.( not for duck hunters like most anti- gunners think) The founding fathers I am sure would want the american people to be just as armed as the government that could get out of hand.. Since that will never happen again the big bad " assult weapon" is all we have..

It is so sad to see so many people so blind and stupid.. It is not ignorance , it is stupidity.. I hate to sound that way but no matter how you tell them the facts, no matter how nice you try to explain the truth and facts they just say the same thing over and over again.. If the SHTF they will be the first asking for someone to protect them..

For the first time yesterday I was insulted by a fellow coworker when I said I was patriotic.. He said I was some crazy.. only weirdos are patriotic.. I said " I never knew it was bad to love my country and all that it was founded upon" and left the room

People.. DO all you can to spread the word on how our coutry was founded.. Not in a threating tough guy attitude but a intelligent friendly manner.. Invite a non gun owner shooting, And by all means BE PATRIOTIC:)

Go to a Appleseed.. it will re-ignite your love for your country. It will make you feel like standing for something.. and to top it all off you will have a great time, meet great people and learn much needed skills

another flawed polled.

"No. It was a mistake the first time around and it would be a mistake again. Existing gun laws are enough."

Existing gun laws are too MUCH. BS.
Why is it that every single poll like this show the "gun nuts" are very much the majority, yet politicians still believe that they are doing what the people want by trying to ban guns??
It might be because these polls are neither scientific nor accurate and are really just a way for news sites to give the user the impression of interactivity. No one is really paying attention to the results and the polls are pretty much discarded when the next one rolls in the following day.

"Winning" these polls by posting them on gun forums really doesn't accomplish much in the end. If a tenth of the people who clicked through on any of these poll took 10 minutes to contact their representive, the results would be staggering.

Just my $.02.
I hope all here have taken the time to contact many people in many differant forms.

That being said, We as American gun owners need to speak up EVERYWHERE we can.. Lets say we got 10 people thinking today with this poll.. Well then lets say half of them started to rethink their views

I say it was a total success

So vote in these little polls, Call your reps.. do all you can.. and never downplay people trying to do the right thing..
Why is it that every single poll like this show the "gun nuts" are very much the majority, yet politicians still believe that they are doing what the people want by trying to ban guns??
Or they figure us "gun nuts" are sooo smart with our use of facts and reason we must have figured out a way to hack and influence the polls.

Jorg is 100% right about contacting your reps. Mine is anti, but who knows, enough constituents filling their inbox and blowing up their phone might get them to at least back off on the issue. Plus that way you find out which reps are on your side, which aren't, and which are feeding you BS. Useful info for the next election. Online polls are neat to see being won by a big margin but they don't really accomplish anything, they just give the website another story (which they'll usually pass on in it's pro-gun).
You've got to give the anti's some points just for their dogged determination to cling to the lies they've been fed. "Assault Weapons and Cop Killer Bullets," in one sentence... and it's not often I get to hear of the NRA referred to as a "pox upon our nation."
Again.. they do something.. they help people see there are others with different truthful views.. Do not discourage...Do both with passion
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