AWB sunset....disappointed in you guys

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Rumors... The Executive Order power does not userp the Legislative power. Bush can sign an executive order calling for the extermination of all blue-eyed midgets, that doesn't make it legal.

(the term 'little people' is just a little PC for me.)
We talked about that once before I beleive at an auction or at the shop....does not make the comparison any more valid however.
It was an analogy. While it's universally accepted that discriminatory laws like the 'Jim Crow' laws and the concept of 'Separate but Equal' in American History were oppressive, equally oppressive laws which prevent those of a certain race or ethnicity from owning guns are not often enough examined. It is laws like these that allow oppression to occur. One has a hard time repressing a Well-Armed Jew, correct? Ask the Palestinians, the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Iraqi's, etc. In fact, it is my sincere belief that the Crux of the argument lies in ones capacity for self-defense. We are being oppressed to the same level as Jews were at a certain point prior to the final solution. The state and media sponsorship of outright hate against the gun-owning population is mirrored by that same period of time in the history of Pre-War Germany. Human nature is a predictable thing. Without vigilance, we are doomed to repeat the Holocaust and we conservative Christians and Jews are first on the chopping blocks, brother. Wolves don't eat the sheep till they've killed the sheep-dogs.

(Dismounting soap-box)

Now, I'm not going to celebrate at all. I do plan on having a play-party time switching, swapping, and enjoying. It's a soboring moment for all, but it was INACTION AND FEAR that kept this law from being extended... It was NOT action and that is disturbing to be sure. Rest in peace.
The Executive Order power does not userp the Legislative power. Bush can sign an executive order calling for the extermination of all blue-eyed midgets, that doesn't make it legal.

The extermination of a class of people is in and of itself unlawful.

The exclusion of a class of firearms is not - as has already been established.

Stranger things have happened...
Bush might as well take a pistol out and shoot himself in the head if he does something like that.

One thing he learned from his Dad: don't piss off the gun owners.

- Gabe
Badger, you're correct that their inaction and fear are what allowed this to happen. Yes, it was not a "victory" per se, but their FEAR is what we should celebrate.
you know how effective that tinfoil yamaha is? WA can take a snooze on top of a bear bait and not be molested, not even by any bears!

Don't forget to morn for our brothers in the PRK..

My friend from LA is going to drive to Vegas and do a "AWB-BATF Special"..

He's going to buy some liquor, cigarettes, a gun, and hi cap mags..

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