Awkward College Roommate

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I apologize then. Based on your screen name and the fact that you took an oath, it seemed likely that you were smoking a little bit.
They obviously don't care too much about it, but they make token efforts in order to discourage lawsuits

Staff is prolly making fun of you behind closed doors. Also the other poster is right about failing a drug test. your not gonna by being in the same room. And your not gonna get a schedule A felony drug charge. I'm guessing you have a rep for being the sober guy in the dorm. So everyone knows your not a dope peddler.
Kind of an awkward situation I guess.

But, I'd have no sympathy for someone that didn't honor my request not to smoke pot - at all, ever - in my room. If he didn't, I'd call the cops on him the next time he toked up.

I'd make sure he isn't storing any in your stuff, just in case. If I was a pothead, and I didn't care about my roommate (and it doesn't sound like yours really cares about you), I sure wouldn't keep my dope in my stuff. I'd keep that stuff in one of your boxes or under your bed. I sure wouldn't keep it in my stuff. Especially if I was dealing. I'd want as much murkiness as possible.
Grow up, do the right thing and deal with this now while you can still control the outcome

I feel like that sort of aggressiveness and agitation isn't needed here. He's here asking HOW he can take control of the situation, not whether he should. Telling him to "grow up" is just rather confrontational, and frankly, kind of obnoxious.
^ Thank you. I have found that being polite and cordial works a lot better for getting me what I want versus shouting and starting fights.
Originally Posted by Creature
Grow up, do the right thing and deal with this now while you can still control the outcome
I feel like that sort of aggressiveness and agitation isn't needed here. He's here asking HOW he can take control of the situation, not whether he should. Telling him to "grow up" is just rather confrontational, and frankly, kind of obnoxious.

I wasnt being agressive...I was being 'blunt', something the OP's screen name implies that he embraces.

As a former dorm (and barracks) resident, I am sure that the school's adminstration has long established avenues in place that the OP can use to solve this kind of grievance. The OP readily admits that he is uncomfortable living in that room. The OP should be able to do what he already knows is right without coming here (to a gun forum no less...for a non-gun related issue) to get our advice. The OP needs to find the courage and maturity to persue it to an acceptable outcome on his terms...not the roommate's. Real World 101 day one: The right thing to do isnt always the easiest thing to do.

If I came off as aggressive, my apologies. But that doesnt change my opinion that the OP needs to be more aggresive in standing up for his own rights.
Well it seems the OP is well on the way to addressing his problem and we're not going to do a for/against thread on drugs.
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