AZ ccw & ID questions

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May 8, 2003
Reno, Nevada
I was thinking of spending some time in AZ this fall/winter and was wondering if I can get a drivers license or state ID and list my address at a "mail box etc",also how long does it take to get ID? I know in CA you get it in the mail in a few weeks but in FL you get it at the DMV in a few minutes,I've heard NV is good that way too.
Also,how long does it take to get an AZ ccw? I need to use a service like "mail box etc" as I will be moving around quite a bit and won't have a "home base"
and was worried that it may be a violation of some law to not have a fixed abode and ccw.
I really need an AZ CCW because I will also visit FL and I've heard it takes 90 or more days to get an out of state FL ccw and will be visiting the second week of OCT...
thanks you guys/gals!
"Oops... I must have lost it during the move"

I found out the hard way years ago that when you get a renewal license from CA, they "ask to see" the old license, and take it away to give you a printed paper license which won't get you a gun or into a bar. So, whenever this comes up again, I've always "lost" my license... :D
When you go into ADOT, you fill out the form, they check you out & verify your info, give you the eye test, take your picture, and print your Driver's License right there on the spot. Takes about half an hour all together. I'm pretty sure you need an address in AZ but I'm not sure of the stipulations on PO boxes...hope this helps.
Why not get a Utah permit? A little harder to get due to the class requirement (instructor must be a Utah resident) but it's cheaper and renews less often than the AZ. And you don't even have to be a resident. Works in Florida too.

Just my two pennies.
I'd take a sec to make certain I was'nt committing a felony or two while doing this. State records people get all fussy when somebody falsifies applications on fradulent pretenses and so forth......

Utah does not require that their instructors teach or live in Utah. There are many Utah instructors in California.

To see who to call just go to the Utah CCW page,, and they will list the instructors with their contact information.

Arizona requires their instructors, as does Nevada, to teach in state.
Yea I'd go the Utah route as well if I were you, actually. I got my Utah permit through these guys- Class was quick and easy, but very general in nature(3 hrs). It takes place in a North Phoenix office building which isn't easy to find but is very cozy. My permit from Utah BCI took about 1 month to arrive.
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