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Badawi Escaped From Prison!

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May 25, 2004
I know this might not exactly be fitting for this forum, but I felt it important for others to know if they have not seen this. If you must close it down MODs, I understand.

Jamil Ahmed Badawi, the Mastermind of the USS Cole Attack, Escaped From Prison
Feb. 6, 2006— An urgent international manhunt is under way across the Middle East and Europe for 23 escaped convicts, including an al Qaeda member who was sentenced to death after he was convicted of masterminding the USS Cole bombing that killed 17 sailors in 2000.

Each of the escapees is considered a terrorist attack waiting to happen, especially the ringleader, al Qaeda's Jamil Ahmed Badawi. He planned the attack on the Cole. Two suicide bombers blew up a boat full of explosives next to the destroyer while it was refueling in the Yemeni port of Aden on Oct. 12, 2000.

Badawi was awaiting execution at the time of his escape. It's the second time he has escaped from a prison in Yemen in three years.

"Badawi wasn't a casual participant in USS Cole. He was very active in this," said Jack Cloonan, a former FBI agent. "He had traveled back and forth to Afghanistan. He had traveled to Saudi Arabia. He had helped purchase the oat, helped [to] rent the house where this was outfitted."

U.S. officials say Badawi was being held at a special prison in the capital city of Sanaa, run by Yemen's intelligence service.

The other escapees, including a dozen other al Qaeda members, escaped with him through a 460-foot-long tunnel that was "dug by the prisoners and coconspirators outside," according to an Interpol statement.

"Now how do you do that unless you've got support inside the building?" Cloonan said. "How do you do that? It's impossible."

Badawi was not the only high-profile terrorist among the escapees. Fawaz Yahya al-Rabeiee, said by Interpol to be one of those behind an attack on the French tanker Limburg off Yemen's coast in 2002, also escaped. That attack killed a Bulgarian crew member and spilled 90,000 barrels of oil into the Gulf of Aden.

Among other attacks al-Rabeiee is blamed for are an attack on a helicopter carrying Hunt Oil Co. employees and the bombing of a civil aviation authority building.

The other escapees, including a dozen other al Qaeda members, escaped with him through a 460-foot-long tunnel that was "dug by the prisoners and coconspirators outside," according to an Interpol statement.

"Now how do you do that unless you've got support inside the building?" Cloonan said. "How do you do that? It's impossible."

Prisoners, co-conspirators outside, prison staff, assorted Yemeni muckety-mucks. All one big happy family.
Badawi a "mastermind" of the Cole attack? Gimmee a break. Find 2 guys willing to die for the cause. Find a boat. Load explosives on boat. Have boat motor out to the target that is virtually unguarded by a few underarmed guys on deck who don't have permission to fire. On contact, detonate. The ship was refueling and yet all that happened was a hole and 17 dead. The ship did not sink even though it was attacked at the most vulnerable time possible.

If that is what we call a mastermind, we are in deep doodoo.

Then again, we are. Five explosions in London over a 45 minute time period were referred to the NSA as being precisely timed and placed. The only one of great timing was the first at the power transformer area of the Underground. It was helpful to be first for confusion, but none of the other 4 explosions were tied to the first in regard to any sort of necessary sequence of events. Two of the five were in busses and not even in the Underground. I seem to recall the term "mastermind" being used then as well.

Apparently, an enemy with the organizational skills of a first grader scares the hell out of the folks in the US.
Apparently, an enemy with the organizational skills of a first grader
Enough organizational skills to get out of jail and not get caught yet. Or organized backing.

Or just the Yemeni government wanting to yank our chain.

I doubt if it was the old "hacksaw in the hommous" trick. :)

Badawi Escapes !!!

Gee this is a real Surprise!!! Other Arabs "might " have turned away and not seen anything!!! Or maybe he was even "Helped"??? I just can't believe this would happen!!! :cuss:

We should have put him in Gitmo for "safe" keeping instead of some Arab run prison!!! This could be seen coming up the street for a long time!!! :rolleyes:

No real surprise here!!!! :banghead:
Truly an outrage, but why aren't the youths in Yemen burning the jail in righteous indignation?

Well fancy that

Inside help suspected in al Qaeda prison break

Updated Mon. Feb. 6 2006 11:33 PM ET

Associated Press

SANAA, Yemen — Investigators are looking into the possibility that Yemeni intelligence officers helped 23 al Qaeda prisoners -- including a militant convicted in the 2000 USS Cole bombing -- escape from an underground prison located beneath a heavily guarded security headquarters, officials said Monday.

The prisoners escaped Friday, apparently by digging a tunnel some 180 metres long that emerged at a mosque, the security officials said.
The other escapees, including a dozen other al Qaeda members, escaped with him through a 460-foot-long tunnel that was "dug by the prisoners and coconspirators outside," according to an Interpol statement.

"Now how do you do that unless you've got support inside the building?" Cloonan said. "How do you do that? It's impossible."

Tell that to the men of Stalag Luft III
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