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Sep 14, 2007
OK, this is rather lame. My son used to play a game called hitman. Well I played alot too. :)

Anyway, the game had firearms called ballers. Maybe they were even called 45 ballers, I can't recall. They certainly looked alot like a colt 45 or springfield 45, or kimber, whatever.

Where did the term baller come from if it even is a colt 45 1911. Sure looks like it. Ball ammo?

The pistols that agent 47 uses are AMT Hardballers. With that name it should be obvious where baller comes from. Because IO Interactive presumable didn't want to pay to use the name for the weapons they changed the name in the second game to Ballers in the second game and Silverballers in the third and fourth.
Yep, AMTs for sure.

Hitman was an awesome game, you can admit playing the hell out of it here.
Shadow 7D said:
Minor point....
AMT is long gone, so who would they pay?

They used the real name for all firearms. Including several well known and large companies. They probably decided to do away with all real names even if the company went down.
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