Ban guns? Why not swords, axes, knives, and flails?

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now i want to buy one of his weapons to cut my head off so i dont have to live in the same world as the morons bugging this more guy.
“That's very disturbing. Who's he selling them to. I mean I have teenage kids here in the high school, and stuff so they should really do something about that,†says one neighbor.

“I hate it, it's awful,†says another.

“That's terrible. He should be arrested. They should take these knives away from him,†says a third neighbor.

..and some wonder why I hate most people... :banghead:
It's only a matter of time when we only have chopsticks........

You can't live in NY without a school 2 blocks away....:rolleyes:
"Television news: if there's not any outrage, we'll manufacture some!"

This reminds me of when that one news crew bought an old WWI mortar from a gunshop. The owner told them that he did not have any ammo and it could not be bought, but they falsely quoted him saying that "oh, I don't have any ammo in stock right now". Bah.
re: Weapons For Sale

So, you've got a custom knifemaker nearby. How is this a hazard to anyone else in the area? Sure... there might be schools nearby. What school-kid is going to have several hundred dollars to spend on a custom knife, axe, or other high-end reproduction? Oh, I see... You're afraid that he'll leave these "tools or war" laying around for just anyone to find. Just like your field crew leaves a camera on the hood while you all break for lunch? I don't think so.

Sure, sure... it was a slow news day... <grumble>
“That's very disturbing. Who's he selling them to. I mean I have teenage kids here in the high school, and stuff so they should really do something about that,†says one neighbor.

“I hate it, it's awful,†says another.

And the loser is

“That's terrible. He should be arrested. They should take these knives away from him,†says a third neighbor.

Can you see these folks walking into a Ren Faire? There would just be a cloud of dust and trail of poop as they ran for the gate.
My e-mail was thusly....

Wow! Thank goodness you alerted us to this danger!

In these times of strife it is important to remove such expensive and hard to use weapons from the hands of wannabe musketeers and barbarians.

I know that drive by cleavings are at an all time high and that school kids routinely take such weapons to school to duel fellow students and frustrate the goals of Cardinal Richelieu.

You cannot imagine how much safer I feel that these hand powered, close range assualt blades are one step closer to being off the streets.

By the looks of a few of them they have a pommel that could be used to attach them to an assualt rifle's bayonet lug and turn an already dangerous weapon into something that will strike fear into people tens of feet away.

Thank the Lord for such a dedicated news team, I will sleep soundly in my bed tonight knowing that there is an even smaller chance of being attacked by a mad flailer springing out at me from the shrubbery.
Here2Learn thank you! I just read your reply out loud... my roommate and I are in tears from laughing. :D
Well most states have laws making the carry of the above mentioned weapons ILLEGAL. Are you sure you really want to draw that many parallells between them?

If that is addressed to me I see no harm in it as they are already ignorant hoplophobes. There is little more I could do to make them more ignorant or hoplophobic.

AB and Undertoad...glad you liked it. I do satire, ridicule, sarcasm and mockery far better than any other sort of writing.
Thor forbid that a Home Depot Garden Center or....even worse....a Tractor Supply Farm Store(!) open up anywhere nearby!

They have entire racks of sharp pointy things with long handles!

Oh, the horror!

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Thor forbid that a Home Depot Garden Center or....even worse....a Tractor Supply Farm Store(!) open up anywhere nearby!

that would be because its a big corporation but if some guy is living the american dream he needs to be shut down.
Sent them a nasty gram at the above feedback link about this ridiculous story. I can't believe they thought this was newsworthy! They would not pick on a painter or sculptor working on art pieces in their home, why should it be any different for a metalsmith?? This worries me as I work on blades in my shed at home... makes me wonder when the gestapo are going to come pounding on my door!

I also sent a link to this thread to the knifemaker. His website is here:
Thanks for posting the link for his website.

I initially was under the (mistaken) assumption that he was selling the tourist trap stuff imported from south central Asia; you know, the stuff like you see in the 'knife stores' set up as kiosks in the mall.

I see differently now. Not my style, but he obviously (or somebody, anyway) does nice work. I guess now it could be a first amendment case. The newswriter obviously disagrees with 'his' form of art. I don't see these as weapons, primarily; especially at his prices.

I wonder if the newswriter (got to make something up to be news, right?) has a problem with the work of Robert Mapplethorpe?

Some folks call that art, too. And he got a NEA grant to do it.

Weird what some folks get riled at.

The only thing I can see that may be a problem is if the city has an ordinance about running a 'hobby' from your home. I think she's stirring up the hornet's nest only because they look eeeeevil.....

Man this is stupid. I've never met the guy, but I can pretty much guarantee I've had lunch within a sotnes throw of wherever he lives. Garfield judt isn't that large. I've also run into some of his customers, and although most of them aren't my favorite people, their offensive weapon of choice is a heaping double handful of pretensiousness, bad pointy ear prosthetics, and the occasional set of lee press-on fangs.

I'd also wager that his 2 year old was playing "dangeoursly" around those weapons in that the kids was indeed playing in the house, and the house contained some of his pieces of work.

What this is going to come down to is a zoning issue. Personally, if it were me, I'd fight fire with fire and take down the address of EVERYONE working on a project car or anything similar and Bring compalints of zoning violations against them for light assembly, which I do not believe the town is zoned for in large part.
Good idea, Sr. Badger. I'll have to peruse through his online store a little deeper later this evening to see if there's anything I possibly could get to give as a gift.

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