Ban swimming pools!

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wooly bugger

Dec 8, 2009
Here's a great discussion. ...

10 people a day die in swimming pools. 1 out of 5 is a child. So every week and a half, more children die in swimming pools than died in Newtowne.

Guns save lives. Swimming is just for fun. There is no constitutional right to swimming. So, if politicians really care about children, they'd go after swimming pools.

Or at least impose restrictions, such as a home evaluation and psychiatric evaluation before installing a swimming pool. Pools should be limited to 2 feet in depth. Each season, before refilling the pool, there should be a mandated psychiatric eval, in case the owner went crazy in the past year. Sales of chlorine should be monitored and reported to the state to flag inappropriate use of chlorine, either in inadvertently overdosing the water or poisoning people. Or making explosives.

I have some ideas about drunk driving and subway shovings, but that's for another post.
ban everything
Aiko, what you said. Since no one "needs" an assault weapon, we should ban it according to Piers Morgan. Well, no one needs houses, let's ban those! I know many of us Mountain Dew lovers don't NEED a soda, so we'll ban that! Cars? No one needs those either and they kill LOTS of people, we should ban those too!!!
The gun control push is not about safety or crime or saving lives, it is about taking guns away. Stats about all the children being killed by other means is inconsequential to them.
There is another person (Facebook) calling for the ban on the Ford Mustang because it's an evil car that magically kills everyone in horrific traffic accidents. It of course was a pun making fun of the anti- gun lobby but there were actually people getting angry at this person because they thought that they were really trying to petition against banning the Ford Mustang. Some people out there really just need to get a clue and not take things so seriously or at what they see as face value alone. :banghead:
The gun control push is not about safety or crime or saving lives, it is about taking guns away. Stats about all the children being killed by other means is inconsequential to them.

Totally agreed, but my question would be do you think it would matter to those in the middle - the fence-sitters that gun grabbers like to lump in with their "majority of the population" claims? The folks that might be swayed one way or the other by a loaded poll question. I could see such arguments having some effect in some cases with those types.
The gun control push is not about safety or crime or saving lives, it is about taking guns away. Stats about all the children being killed by other means is inconsequential to them.

True. Regardless, I've used this same argument to end firearm debates with those who really do think that they're doing it "for the children" and that it would be "worth it even if it saved one life". I've yet to encounter a good comeback for it.
You'll sometimes here, "Yeah, but guns were designed to kill. Pools are for fun. We just want to ban killing machines."

To which you can respond, "Funny then, how a thing designed for fun is more deadly than a thing designed for killing. Reminds me of lawn darts."
Actually when I think about how much work it takes to keep a pool in good order with nice clean water, the idea of a psych eval. before putting one in isn't such a bad idea!
Totally agreed, but my question would be do you think it would matter to those in the middle - the fence-sitters that gun grabbers like to lump in with their "majority of the population" claims? The folks that might be swayed one way or the other by a loaded poll question. I could see such arguments having some effect in some cases with those types.
We absolutely need to reach those who are on the fence, with sound reasons and a calm demeanor.
Bath tubs and ladders are also good examples. The difference? Everybody has one. it's easy to point your finger at the other half of the poulation, and say those evil people over there, with guns....but much harder to paint people with bath tubs or pools as evil, when you have one, yourself...
I suppose the gun grabbers argument would be that people who die in swimming pools, excluding infants that fall in and drown because they don't know any better, choose by their own free will to enter the pool. They do so with the knowlege that accidents can happen, and so they assume the risk inherant with swimming. The same can be said for cars, soft drinks, cigarettes and other items we might argue should be banned too if the gov't bans certain firearms. The difference is that those who are shot by some lunatic with a gun have no say in the matter, only the lunatic has the choice. Not saying I agree necessarily. Sure is a messed up world we live in.

Well, I guess the shooting victim would have a choice if they were packing and could shoot back.
Guns seem to be getting all of the attention while hospitals and hospices are flying under the radar. Does anyone realize the number of people that are dying in hospitals and hospices every day. I live in a relatively small town and we had dozens of people die in our local hospitals and hospices over the past month. I can't understand why these places haven't been shut down yet. I for one will not let my family anywhere near one.
I say we ban politicians.

When the US was formed, we pretty much had to have an indirect form of government. It was simply impossible for everyone to vote on everything. But think about it. With today's communications, we really could have everyone vote on everything. Imagine, a true majority rule system.
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