Bears Closer Than You Think

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Dec 29, 2002
Los Anchorage
This is an article from today's ADN about a military study of the habits of several tagged brown bear in the Anchorage bowl:

And he had friends.

A military-funded tracking study of Anchorage grizzly bears found that these large, intelligent omnivores don't just make quick trips to the city's edge and then retreat to some remote wilderness up in the Chugach Mountains.

They spend the summer close to people, largely out of sight in parks and on military land. Some of them seem as adept at urban life as any traffic-savvy moose from the neighborhood.

"It's kind of startling to realize these brown bears are in our midst," said state research biologist Sean Farley, who oversaw the research.


The upshot is, thousands of people lived and walked within spitting distance of 500+ lb. bruins without ever realizing it. The bears are smart, fast and know exactly where the humans are and how to avoid them in their travels.
Any time any wild animal finds an easy food source, they're going to stay relatively close to it.
It's proof positive that if you're in bear or cougar country, they've seen you far more often than you've seen them.
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