Beaver...and other meat

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Nov 23, 2007
How do you guys feel about eating beaver. Some guys were trapping on my grandfathers farm in the creek (Station Camp in KY) and offered us some beaver to eat. So they cleaned some and brought it too us, I will be eating this on the 28th before we go squirrel hunting.

Thoughts, Suggestions, Anything?
[Edited to remove any snarkiness or ribald puns.]

I can't say that I've ever had the opportunity to try it, but I can't imagine that it's too bad. After all, they are not scavengers or bottom feeders. Being herbivourous, the meat should be tasty.
One thing to consider is the risk of the giardia parasite, which is the cause of "Beaver Fever". It can contaminate the meat from being on the wet fur when the animal is dressed . . .

Just keep uncooked meat away from cooked food, be careful of surfaces/utensils used for the uncooked meat with regard to exposure to cooked food, wash hands thoroughly between prep and eating, same old good hygiene suggestions should keep you safe.
Is that parasite common...we will be cooking it fully through so should that kill it if the beaver had it?
Low bush moose is quite tasty, the tail plopped on a bd of coals until it splits open is also a great treat.
I fix beaver the same way I do coon, possum & skunk.

Boil it with a couple of sliced potatos & carrotts with 1/2 an onion till it will fall of the bones. Pour out the water, throw away the veggies(they'll taste bad), and bone the critter. Put the boneless meat in a pan with your favorite BBQ sause and cook it @350 for about 2 hours. YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have fun!
Is that parasite common...we will be cooking it fully through so should that kill it if the beaver had it?

Giardia is almost everywhere, and you can ingest it just from drinking contaminated water. Causes gastrointestinal upset, but the protozoan is easily killed with heat.
of all the meat i've eaten i think my favourite must be beaver.
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Thanks again for all your help, the countdown will be starting until I get to taste beaver for the first time to kick off my squirrel hunting weekend. So I will get back to you on the 30th about it. If you have anything else to add or someone reads this and wants to post again that would be great.
I do say, I think I've had a long running case of beaver fever myself.

As for the taste?? Well, its always stuck me as having a hint of tuna.
Beaver backstraps and hams are delicious if cooked in a tomato based sauce. I like to cut slices of the ham across the grain, dust them with seasoned flour, pound them with a meat tenderizing hammer, and brown them in bacon fat. Remove the browned meat, saute some onions and peppers, add some garlic, then some chopped tomatoes-- a couple of cans. Put the browned meat into this sauce and simmer until the meat is fork tender. Serve over rice, or with buttermilk biscuits.
A note of caution-- on either side of the beaver's rectum there is a large scent gland called the castor gland. When skinning the beaver and removing the hams, be sure you don't cut into these glands. The secretions have a strong medicinal odor that will permeate anything they touch.
O'de to the beaver,

Beaver is tasty beaver is great bever is best served on a plate.

You can bake broil and baste it but you never know until you taste it.

Weather your beaver is fat or thin if you eat it you will have a grin.

Beaver is tasty yes indeed a friend with out beaver is a friend in need.

So share beaver and be warm felt but the best way to eat beaver is with a fresh shorn pelt:D
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Beaver steaks

You naughty man UK roe hunter, the threads now gone off on a tangent (gritty tuna).
They were selling beaver steaks in vac packs in the frozen food section of the supermarket in Trollhattan, Sweden when I was over there in 1982.
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