Belmont CA to ban smoking inside homes!

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Aug 12, 2007
here's a link to an interview with the Belmont mayor. Kudos to the reporter for tell her off. Now if only those reporters would get this upset about gun control. Out?&Butt Out?&US&-1&News&345&&&


I know it isnt exactly on topic, but this issue is of the type that we NEED to do somthing about. Gov't intruding into our private lives, be it smoking or guns, is somthing we all need to make a stand on. it starts with somthing small like this, and we all know where it goes from there.
wow, taking away someone's right to smoke inside their own home? that's absolutely rediculous. remind anyone of prohibition?
Not surprising. Whenever people know for real sure that they possess the truth about something they impose their truth on others.

If they hold political power or outnumber the others, they turn their truths into laws when possible. It happens here as well as in other countries. And it's always done in the name of some greater good such as health, religion, or public interest.

No tyranny ever says "We're doing this or that for the purpose of hurting other people or to force our beliefs on them." Tyrants always destroy people for their own good. And the people, many of them, really like it.

The Devil seems to have been especially active for the past couple of generations, especially in states such as California and New Jersey, and in cities such as New York and Chicago and Washington, D.C.--wherever particular people congregate.
Quick! Quick! Let's make it relevant before it is locked. Umm....what caliber a re cigarettes and what actions are chambered in them:neener:
A government strong enough and moral enough to make people do the right thing. This message brought to you by Hillary/Obama '08.
Quick! Quick! Let's make it relevant before it is locked. Umm....what caliber a re cigarettes and what actions are chambered in them

I'm not a smoker, but I'd bet your basic Marlboro is close to .375H&H. I don't think they'd be a .460 Weatherby Mag. Maybe a Caamel Wide non-filter would work there.
We are also allowed to revolt against this BS at the voting booth. Sad to say it would seem the majority of those that vote actually want this crap. I occasionally smoke a cigar, and am wondering how they plan to enforce this without gross violations of the constitution. What are they going to do, shoot thermal cameras at people while driving down the street and see who has fire on the end of their mouth? I am really, really am interested how that would work out.
Teddy Kennedy said that years ago during a tax law debate, and very few people caught it, about how they "allow us" to keep a portion of our earned wages. Same thinking - it all belongs to them, even our homes and our bodies. Nothing is ours, nothing at all, all subject to Imperial diktat.
The link doesn't work for me and I can't find it searching
Listen to her very carefully!
You are allowed to have a gun. You are allowed to...
That is scary
Is this a quote from the reporter speaking to the mayor?
OK. Found it.

The mayor uses the reasoning that "you are allowed to have a gun in your apartment, but you can't shoot it [every which way]." Actually, a very good point. In context, this is realy not an assault on the 2A.

What irritated me was the assumption that statistics trump rights. Someone complained "and we stated looking into the statistics..."
They are not attempting to ban smoking in "homes", they are talking about multi story apartments and condominiums.

The point that she makes is real. I just moved out of an apartment where every time the people on the floor below me smoked, I smelled it. I had to put a cardboard cover on the central vent to help keep out the smoke. The problem here is that not all apartments/condos have separate ducting. Some apartments are linked, and what happens in one can be smelled in another.

You can bet that if I bought a condominium and I suddenly had cigarette smoke in my condo from the people downstairs, I would be mad has h***.

The solution, though, would be to designate an apartment or condominium building as "smoking" or "non-smoking" so that people would know what they are getting into before they sign a lease or mortgage.

The solution would also be to put restrictions on new development to separately vent each apartment, so that smoke from one cannot enter another.

My point is that most in this thread... as well as the FOX news reporter... speak from ignorance about how these buildings are vented and the extent to which a chain smoker on the bottom floor stinks up every apartment above it.
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