Best bulk 9mm deal online?

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May 31, 2005
Looking for practice ammo (and ammo for a handgun class), fmj, brass cased, 1,000-1,500 rounds. I've checked out ammoman, any other great deals out there?
9mm ammo

Here in Houston, inexpensive 9mm ammo is few and far between. Monarch green box is your best bet (was recently 8.99 a box or so), but something's up with the inventory.

I went to an Academy in Houston last Saturday, and all they've got left is Winchester white box (at 12.99). No more Monarch over there. The fella there told me that Monarch was going up to 10 something a box, and they wouldn't have any there for at least a month. They did have some steel stuff available, but I'm not interested in that type of ammo.

Went to WalMart after that, and they told me they were out of 9mm ammo altogether.

Man, I need to get into the ammo business. From what I've seen in the last few months, the demand is definitely there.
You'll have a hard time finding cheaper brass cased ammo than Blazer Brass at Walmart, it comes out to be a few bucks cheaper per 100 rounds than WWB.
If you're willing to retain your empty brass, you can exchange them for very inexpensive range ammo at

They should be cheaper than any factory ammo by far, but you'd have to exchange empty brass for reloads. Otherwise, they do offer ammo without the exchange discount.
alan-- gun-deals does index both Ammoman and Widener's--if it's not in the list and it should be, you can add it. More than likely, they're out of stock and not on the list. 40,000 people/month just looking at deals, things stay up to date pretty good.
Here ya go:

Well, is out of stock again (they had some in stock as of last week) but their price, as compared to the best on that list. Calculating at 1,000 rds since since we're talking bulk.

Ammoman -> 1,000rds/$199 shipped to my door.

WM -> ((($8.97 per box) x 20 boxes) x 9% WA tax) = $195.55/1000 if you can find a store that has 20 boxes on hand.

Sure, I could save $4 and go to WM to fight the crowds and screaming kids (assuming they even have 20 boxes on hand) - or I can sit at home, make an order and have the ammo delivered to me no muss no fuss...

Unless you're looking to reload I don't see any reason to need the brass casing, and Wolf has been great target/plinking ammo...
I have found that Natchez beats every other online seller, at least for my .380 and 9mm rounds. Their shipping is reasonable and being from Texas I save 8.25% by not having to pay sales tax. That usually covers shipping. I have ordered from them twice and had my ammo in 72 hours. YMMV.
Posted by AllAmerican
If WalMart has any 9mm that will be the lowest cost, period.

I just checked and...

My area Wal-Mart, WWB = $426.16 for 2,000 rounds, sales tax and all.
(for some reason my local WM prices aren't the same as what has been posted above)

MasterCast = $273.80 for 2,000 rounds shipping and all.

The hitch is you'd have to exchange 2,000 brass empties for this price, but once you get to doing it (collecting your empties), you can see how much money you save. You could buy more than 1,000 rounds with that $152 you save.
Thanks for the input guys. I'll have to check Walmart. My biggest concern there is that they just won't have the stock on hand.
I'm also looking for a couple of extra Glock mags and a couple of mag pouches. It would be nice to get it all in one place but to be the spendthrift I am I don't think I'll be able to do that.
My father and I are taking a defensive pistol course hence the current reason for these purchases.
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