Best Cowboy Nostalgia Caliber: .30-30, .45-70, etc.?

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Thanks again, Mike. I've got some reading to do.

I MISSED all those classified PBS morgue shows. They interested me, but my virulent dislike of all things TV-related prevented me from actually enjoying them. I can't bring myself to turn on the babblebox. I hate it when my brain turns into clotted cream. Got no cable to make it worthwhile, me. And I CANNOT rationalize paying for something as fundamentally BAD as television, so I guess I'm just doomed to read books.

(Plug: Any books by a man named Arthur Guy Empey, who was an American who voluteered to fight with the British in WW-I. Wrote several very good books, one of which is called "Over The Top, Life in the Trenches by an American who was There." EXCELLENT read, with a few pictures. Go digging in the used book stores.)

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