You can buy Tri-Flow, which is basically Break Free CLP, in a big pump-spray bottle for about 28 dollars.
CLP works well. LP works better/lasts longer as a lube, because it's a lube/protectant only, no cleaner.
For steel on steel, Tetra Gun oil beats Break Free by a country mile.
Both are excellent gun lubes.
I use both. I don't clean much with CLP. Shooter's Choice, Hoppes #9 and Benchrest solvents, and carburetor cleaner do most of my gun cleaning, along with Kroil and Ed's Red.
Does the Dexron make the Parked gun stink? Dexron smells funny. I sometimes use it as a chain lube and rust penetrant at work.
To be honest, you could strip the parked gun and let it soak in a bucket of Dexron. Let it soak an hour to overnight, and wipe down/swab out.
I'm thinking about getting a couple of ultrasonic cleaners. One for water based solvents and one for dexron.