Best replacement for Charlton Heston?

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Dec 25, 2002
the city
While possibly not being the best spokesperson for RKBA I think that he was an excellant choice as a personage to speak out on RKBA.

So I would like to know who has the notoriety and stature to replace him when the time comes and he steps down.

I've seen mentioned Tom Selleck (doesn't have the pro civil rights background of Heston), Ted Nugent (gravitas?), Sarah Michelle Geller (nice picture in another thread).

Any other reccomendations?

Sorry if this topic was covered before, but I can't search them all.
I'm not sure about the need for "star power". This shouldn't be about someones face or personality. OTOH it seems that today an issue requires some "big name' to speak about it or nobody listens. If we're that addicted to the ramblings of 'stars" then we're probably doomed anyway.
Someone that can think and speak "on his/her feet", and not depend on someone else's written speech/notes. Who is well versed in the question of "gun" control and knows facts that he/she can cite. Someone that speaks well and does not sound like either Elmer Fudd or Jethro.
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Alan Keyes is a great debater (looked like he won every one of the Republican debates to me). However, his drawback may be his personality- let's face it there are a lot of folks who find him obnoxious (at least the liberals I know do). And there is a black man who is outspoken on gun rights, Roy Innis of C.O.R.E. and I think he is on the NRA board too- also his son Nigel is very well spoken.

But Charlton had a great combination of being a gifted (although scripted) orator, history of involvement in politics and social issues, definately had the "gravitas".

Maybe Ahnold?

Jim V

Good points- none of the spokesmen I see seem to really be that quick on their feet.

2nd Amendment

I agree we have become too enamored of "stars" and personality in this country- Oprahed and Rosied into a coma. However, someone like Charlton Heston did not seem to come across as one of the glitzoid media freaks like Alec Baldwin or Sean Penn. Maybe it was his age?

I dunno.
Roy Innis would be an excellent one.

In fact, I believe that the NRA could help itself greatly if it picked someone who is black as it's titular head. Talk about putting the liberals in check.
James Earl Jones is a competitive long range .50 shooter and 2nd amendment supporter. Who could be a better NRA prez than Darth Vader? I can see the liberal political cartoonist's pencils working now.

Seriously, he has everything, African American, well-recognized, gifted orator and 2nd amendment supporter.

James Earl Jones for president.

Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Terminator) he is Republican and its my understanding he may be running for political office soon. I will admit I have done no research on his political beliefs and I would also support Tom Selleck or any of the people mentioned.
I think we'd be best served if they selected a women all the soccer moms could easily relate to, and preferabely Black.

Condelezza Rice would be perfect, but she's kinda busy with other stuff right now.
Now I know why James Jones' career died

Seems Darth Vader has shot his hollywood career in the foot. No shooters or conservatives see the light of day in hollywood anymore.

Isn't Drew Carey pro-gun

As for Schwartzenegger:

Schwartzenegger on guns:
And the movies, with the gun in my hand? I don't run around every day with a gun in my hand. So I want kids to understand the difference: one is make-believe, like we do in movies. But in reality, I'm for gun control. I'm a peace-loving guy. I hate violence amongst the young kids.
Originally posted by telewinz
Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Terminator) he is Republican and its my understanding he may be running for political office soon. I will admit I have done no research on his political beliefs and I would also support Tom Selleck or any of the people mentioned.

Arnold is married to a KENNEDY, for god's sake. He's a wonderful RINO, but that's about it. Tell me how many grabbers you see on this list: (from Prop 49, an Arnold-sponsored redistributionist tax grab.)

And if that isn't enough:

Like former Gov. Pete Wilson, Schwarzenegger is a fiscal conservative who is socially moderate. He is pro-choice and favors ``sensible'' gun control, including a ban on assault weapons. That could help him to attract Democrats and independents, whose support is crucial to winning statewide races.

NRA needs an ideological pit bull out front, someone who isn't willing to compromise. Ideally the entire front office would match that as well, but I'm not holding my breath.

Heston was (is!) an excellent leader - erudite, well spoken, with impeccable civil rights credentials. And after Heston, NRA needs another celebrity up front - anything else will be viewed as a retreat. Nuge or Selleck would be my two top choices. That and $2 will buy you a cup of coffee, of course.

This page says that Selleck has stated he would be willing to take the job after Heston steps down. Maybe someone can come up with some source material for that.

I agree that too much emphasis is placed on the opinions of celebs.

However, if the NRA wants to go the "name recognition/celebrity" route again, Susan Howard would be a good choice. She seems quite down to earth, and if the NRA wants to represent the ever-growing, ever-changing contingency of gun-owners, choosing a female president could well be a smart move.
When I think of a new President for the NRA, I don't look at race, sex, or occupation. I think any person versed in the 2nd Amendment issues, and able to stand on their feet and go face to face with the liberal utopianists would be great.

If that were Alan Keyes or James Earl Jones or Tom Selleck it would make no difference. I believe Tom Selleck would make a good leader. He has shown great resistance to emotional outbursts such as what Rosie O'Donell pulled. By his not reacting to her, he showed her as the liberal witch she is.
As much as I like Sarah Michelle Geller, she isn't seasoned enough to take on this task. Maybe in 10 years or so, but not now.

I honestly don't know who I could nominate for this position, but I agree it should be someone who is stable and strong of mind and principle.
I think the NRA needs a high-profile (read well-known) person for pres., who's also well-respected not one of those spoiled stars who's always getting into trouble and buying their way out. I like the idea of Keyes, James Earl Jones, or Tom Selleck.
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