Best starter rifle

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Apr 2, 2007
I have two young sons (6 & 8), and I'm about to introduce them to shooting. I've been an avid shooter most of my life and started out myself about my oldest son's age now. Both of them are well aware of my hobby, and both have been able to handle my guns (under my supervision) and they know and understand the basic ground rules of shooting and gun safety.

All that said, I'm seriously wondering about the best choice for a starter rifle. I found a good deal on a CZ 452 Scout a few years ago, so I bought it to later use as a starter rifle with my sons. It's a quality rifle, and it's well-proportioned for younger shooters. I also like that it utilizes both a 5-round mag and a single-shot insert for beginners.

Lately, though, I've been considering purchasing a Ruger 10/22 Compact. As nice as the CZ is, most of my shooting is with semiauto rifles, typically iron-sighted military rifles such as the M1 Garand and AR-15. With my interest in that area, I'm thinking it might be good to start my sons on a semiauto, and perhaps install a set of Tech Sights to introduce them to aperture sights.

Under these circumstances, what are everyone's thoughts on what rifle would be best to start with? Thanks.
A 10/22 with tech sights is hard to beat.

A Marlin 795 or 60 with tech sights would be equally hard to beat.

I know there's a lot of "hate" out there for the tube-fed, but for a boy of 6 or 8 years old, loading the tube all day is much easier on little fingers than the box magazine. My son is 6 and is getting a 60 for his 7th birthday.
Well I personally loved my bolt .22 growing up, and I still do. Let them use the Scout for a little bit so they get used to making their first shot count and just get used to shooting in general. Before long they will be ready for the 10/22. IMO, start them with a bolt and let them graduate to the 10/22.

With that being said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with starting on a 10/22. I guess I'm just partial to starting with a single shot bolt gun.

Either way, you and your kids will make memories that will last a lifetime with either gun! Keep it safe and fun, and you will have two more shooters to buy bricks of ammo for ;)
I have a Chipmunk sitting in the safe that was used to train my nephew a few years ago. When I started many moons ago it was a single shot bolt action with irons that got the nod. My mother started with a tube fed semi (Browning) and 1 AD later was learning to cycle a bolt wrong handed (cause she's a lefty, not from the AD).

Patience, practice and a willingness to learn what you're doing wrong is most of the battle.
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