Better Bustamante than a Republican

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
To my way of thinking, it is better to have Bustamante in there instead of a Republican!

I am not kidding and let me explain why.

Whoever steps in steps into the office, steps in with no transition period and then only has 3, yes, only 3 years to try to straighten out the mess.

I really don't think a Republican can do it with the Senate and the Assembly both haveing a Democrat majority.

Do you think the Democrats are going to let a Republican get anything good passed?
Not if they are good Democrats. They wii try to make the Republicans look as bad as they can, and then say "See how bad the Republicans did".

After all that, I am still going to vote for McClintock.
I don't think any of them can do much to help KA in the near future. The one benefit I do see is perhaps Arnold can pull the state for GWB next year.
If a Democrat majority in the state's legislature & only a handful of Republicans there to balance their check writing, a Republican governor is what we need to at least make them understand that this isn't a communist state. WE the people keep them employed and it's about time they understood their actions have consequences.
It's probably true that no Republican can turn around the socialist
juggernaut, but it IS important to try and keep the runaway train
of the Dem legislature at least a little honest.

If current trends prevail, Warren Buffett, astute value investor that
he is, will be buying CA back at five cents on the dollar in ten years.
Never underestimate the ability of Democrats to blame others for driving a state into the ground. Thats why I'm NOT voting for Busta-azatlan-mante.

I'm voting for McClintock, the only one thats been watching state finances ever since he got in office, and has been warning us all along. :D
In a choice between Bustamente and Ahnold, I have no idea which would actually be better.

I'll vote McClintock of course, but mainly just hope Davis is out.
I will be voting for Anrold, not because I like him the best (I know McClintock is the best choice), but because Bustemonte CANNOT win!!! If he does I'm out of the job and my parents are out of buisness (thats only if he does what he plans too).
Isn't Bustamonte a member of La Roza (or however it is spelled), a Hispanic (possibly specifically Mexican) supremist group out there in CA? Don't they stand for something like returning all Mexican-American War territories back to Mexico? Isn't this a group that pretty much hates whites, Jews, blacks, Asians, etc? Didn't he actually let the "n" word slip when talking to a black group during a speech? Seems to me he'd be the most dangerous possibility of all out there. And why the heck is the only thing I've seen about it a blurb on the internet? If it was a black hate group like the Nation of Islam or a white group like the Klan it would be all over the news nationally (especially after he started leading in the polling). Heck, it seems to me that if the most likely alternatives are Bustamonte or defeating the recall then keeping Davis would be better for CA and better for the country (since CA is our most populous state by far the rest of us certainly can't afford to ignore CA).
Please Rethink Your Position

1. Bustamante has the potential to be more radically left than Davis. At least Davis has (to a degree) checked the socialist in the legislature.

2. The next governor will most likely fail in the public eye.

3. Vote AGAINST the recall. Keep Davis..he is less threatening than Bustamonte.

4. Vote for McClintock. Vote for the best person. Arnold gets in and the Republicans get the blame. McClintock gets in and he is at least focused and can defend his position.

The best anybody (in the governorship/The Prez) can do is to veto what the legislature proposes & further curtail anything "stupid."

That's it - that & the "bully pulpit" to perhaps influence things towards where the legislature should go.

Executive branch is not allowed to propose law, or ... nevermind.

Y'all either know this, or you don't.

The 2X houses proposes law & the execxutive merely gets to OK it, abstain (which becomes law) or veto.

Arnold is not a (old-time Repulican, or frankly, a JFK Democrat).

Kali is hosed. Face it. The "democratic process" has so much trashed that state that there is no recovery.

Likely the very same with our whole country.

Sorry to say.

The "rule of law" is so bastardized that it has no likening to what it once meant.

Drop the flag. Buy batteries.

Old saying goes that whereever Kali & Texas goes, so goes the nation (en espeial the publix textbooks) ....

When such as The Terminator is hung out as to be The Conservative (re Big R by his name), this nation is toast.

& that we have the Democrats shu8cking him & the repubs backing him (just trough the nature of The R, by his name) is a total bastardisation of the entire process.

Hmmm, almost seems like what we got to vote for The Prez - Bush v Gore.
Yup, it's best if Davis stays, or Bustamante wins.

California is in an untenable fiscal position. And let's face it, voters are fickle - let me correct that, voters are stupid! Particularly California voters... A fiscally conservative governor will be able to do no more than "hold the line" against the dems who control the state house. Holding the line means staying in a position that is already doomed to failure.

Whoever is sitting in the governors chair is going to take the blame for the fiscal disaster that is coming. Nothing can stop it.

Even if a governor succeeded in cutting spending, the dems and the California media would attack him like a pack of rabid jackals - How dare he cut funding for heroin-challenged illegal alien college programs!

Let the dems finish what they started (running the state into the ground) and then come in to the next election and clean house.

HAve to agree with others

Keep Davis or one of his minions.
Stepping into the govenorship in Calif. is roughtly
equivalent to wanting to takeover the captain's
job on the Titanic 2 hours AFTER it hit the 'berg'.
California is going to he!! in a hurry and the
only way to stop it will be painful/UNPOPULAR
and possibly dangerous.
2 choices -
BOTH raise revenue (taxes) AND stop illegal
'immigration' (d**n near impossible)


have the 'federal' gov't provide the revenue by
California's screwups'. This will raise hackles all
over the country (why the he!! should WE pay for
the blundering idiots in Ca. WE don't live/eat/work/sleep there)

IF the 2nd option is used - there will NO incentive for
Ca. to mend it's ways.
In either case - lose lose - leave Doofus in office and
fry him and the rest of the 'representatives' next
California is prelude, citizens. If you think illegal aliens aren't
going to be busting the budget of your state soon enough, you don't know
the politicans and plutocrats who run this country.

You aren't going to be able to stop it with the electoral process
either. Illegals will be voting a-plenty, thanks to driver's licenses,
the matricula consular, and phoney documents.
I'm voting McClintock, period. If this friggin state votes BOOST YOUR MONEY into office or decides to keep JOE DAVIS-MALE PROSTITUTE, then the idiots that voted for a crap head deserve what they get.:fire:
As for AHNOLD, he's an unknown and I'm not a gambler. He claims to be a conservative, yet he has surounded himself with uber-liberals.:scrutiny:

My last word on this subject...McClintock
I tend to agree

So McClintock is really "spoiling it" for Arnhold (and thus potentially helping us), in more ways than one - not just defeating Arnold, but defeating Arnold AND in turn, helping elect Busta-whatever, making him look like fool when he invariably goes down the tubes before the next election. It's siple math:

Likely 7-year picture with Arnold:

a) Repub: 0 years
b) RINO: 3 years
c) Dem: 4 years

Total potentially gun-friendly years: None

Likely 7-year picture with Bustamante (sp?)

a) Repub: 4 years (with a possibly more-friendly legislature to boot than now)
b) RINO: 0 years (probably - few rebubs could fit the RINO profile as well as Arnold, even in messed-up Cali)
c) Dem: 3 years

Total potentially gun-friendly years: Four
I'm voting McClintock... he was unequivocal in his response to me about supporting 2nd Amendment rights, and his voting record shows it too.

And he's a fiscal conservative too. Yeah! :D

As to the whyfors and howtos of the political process, I'll leave that to the spin doctors. But remember, the executive branch has the veto power. A fiscal conservative in the governor's mansion can veto a crappy budget that is strongarmed through the legislature by the Democrats.
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