Bill O'Riley is such a TOOL

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Oct 23, 2005
He is on TV now taking credit for pressuring congress to pass a law that would pay for the college education of all of the children of Iraq war casualties. He is praising Schmucky Schumer for his bipartisan support.

Sean Hannity has been raising millions of dollars for the past 3 years for this very thing with his freedom concerts.
I'm a lot bigger fan of Sean Hannity than O'blowhard and have been hannitized way before Hannity came on the scene, but I have to stand up for the mad Irishman on this one. He's been pushing for the "congress" to actually make it law that the government pays for the college of the children of those who have died honorably serving our country in this most noble of causes. This is one of the few things that I would be glad to pay more in taxes. Of course there is plenty socialist pork that could be cut and put to good uses like this.
I don't really care for either of them...just a couple of New York pretty boys who love attention and to hear themselves talk.

They're both nitwits compared to El Rushbo.
Bill is the king of pompous asses. Sean, is a partisan who only point of view is the Republican talking points. Cable "News" shows are nothing more than opinnion pieces of the Right-wing or Liberals.
The children of disabled veterans get college tuition until the child turns 25.
I could call Bill a number of names, but I will take THR this time.

It only took a massive disaster like Katrina to wake him up on firearm ownership. He was a little too urban-thinking/metro-minded which had him in the "sensible" gun control camp. He has turned a little. That is good. He has quite an audience.

This isn't the first time he's taken an existing idea and in a suggestive way, played it off as his own personal mission or goal.
coylh said:
How many children of Iraq war casualties are there?

Right now I'd say at most 4,000. Probably closer to 2.5k or so given that many casualties in Iraq were unmarried or with no children.
I would rather spend my tax money on sending qualified poor kids to school than crackpot programs to go to Mars.

I think all qualified kids should get aid to go to school as an investment in our country's future. Much better use of funds than most.

O'Reilly is just posturing. Hannity is just a Bush <sycophant>. I respect conservatives who stand by principles but he seems to one of those who must obey THE LEADER, even when said leader is not doing a good job.
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I don't always agree w/ Bill, but I do listen to him on the radio almost everyday while at work. I find him interesting.
Ezekiel speaks the truth...........I have SEEN the book in question in his possession.

On the show they said 1,034 children from those who have given it all in Iraq. How many children were left fatherless or motherless after 9/11? On a different note a buddy of mine in the 1st Cav who did a vacation tour in Iraq said that the military offers real cheap insurance to serviceman in case something happens to them, upwards to like $500,000 or so. He said you'd be an idiot not to get it if your going into a combat zone. And another note: how many children in the USA had their mother or father outright leave them today so they could fulfill their own selfish interests!
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