Bill sucks, Ted rocks!

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Sep 11, 2004
Saint Petersburg, FL
Since we get to read about how much Bill Maher sucks, I figured I would post a thread that yahoo had on their news page. You have got to love Ted Nugent!

Here is why!

They should do a show on Ted's farm, with Bill out there getting his arse kicked all over God's country. I would pay to see that! Call it "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure: Reality is a #$%%^...ain't it Bill?"
From the Houston Chronicle coverage of the NRA convention here in Houston:
Quoting Nugent:
"Remember the Alamo! Shoot 'em!" he screamed to applause. "To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot 'em."
Um, yeah. I really don't think Ted Nugent should represent the gun lobby with beliefs like that. It just does more harm than good. :rolleyes:

But...I guess there has to be extremists on both sides.
" "Remember the Alamo! Shoot 'em!" he screamed to applause. "To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot 'em.""

Yeah, I don't think this is going to help me convince my fellow liberals to our cause. I'm in the minority for liberal types who own/like firearms, with stupid stuff like what Nugent did it'll stay like that. He should stick to singing "Fred Bear" and "Cat Scratch Fever" and keep his mouth shut when it comes to guns.
The Nuge is not the face of gun ownership that is likely to appeal to most of the people I know. That said, I'm glad he's on board. Every person helps, even if he is a freak. (Did you see "Surviving Nugent" on VH1?)

I'm not sure if his "shoot 'em" message is the most appealing way to bring more undecided and anti-gun people on board. I mean, I like Charles Heston, but I don't think his "from my cold, dead, hands" did a whole lot for the cause either. Caricatures don't tend to be very persuasive, IMHO. I think they tend to alienate more people by reinforcing their stereotypes, than they bring in.

I'm not suggesting concealing the pro-gun, pro-self-defense message. I'm just saying that perhaps a more tactful, tactical approach might ultimately be more succesful. Just my 2¢.

Nugent reminds me a lot of Ann Coulter. Strong, forceful, unafraid to say just about anything, and extremely appealing (and funny) to those who already agree with her. Because of her take-no-prisoners, no-hold-barred, compromise-is-never-an-option attitude, however, theres not much persuasive about her writing. It's just good fun for those who already agree with her.

For every action there is an equal and opposite criticism.
Gun ownership is a Conservative issue.

Lefties don't own guns (I am sure there are a few closet lefties on this board that like blowing things up, but I am talking generalities here)

Convincing a Lefty to like guns is not possible. They must first become at least moderate if not Conservative.

Most women and many men are Lefty when they are young because they are stupid (well... ignorant really...not stupid; but it sure looks like stupidity).

Once women get married and have kids they tend to become much more Conservative.

Once men start paying taxes they become very much more Conservative.

People that live in the inner suburbs and within the city limits tend more Lefty than those that live in the outer suburbs and rural areas (Staten Island notwithstanding). This is a nexus of wealth and upbringing.

Conservatives believe (amongst other things) in personal freedom and the right to control their lives and protect their families.
Lefties believe (if they truly believe in anything beside their own omniscience) in the power of the state and its ability to protect them. They view any attempt at self-determination and personal control as vaguely seditious. And if that involves firearms as extremely dangerous.

Note how the Lefty suburban family in the home security commercial cowers in fear until the home security folks tell them they have called the police. The fact that they could still be murdered and robbed waiting for the cops to show does not seem to enter their silly minds.

So, in terms of personal and familial security, the Conservative is a realist and is personally prepared for the worst (or at least the imaginable worst... which depends on your imagination!).

The Lefty maybe has the local police on speed dial, or more likely is blissfully unaware (or prefers to live in that twilight of willful ignorance) of the dreadful things that can happen.

So, obviously, Ted Nugent is not addressing Lefties with his rant. He is addressing the gun believers. To imagine that what he says will have any effect either way on the beliefs of Lefties is foolish. They hate guns and think anyone who likes them for any reason is crazy and scary.

Lefties will not embrace gun ownership until they have become Conservative. Mugging, children, taxes or some other epiphany is needed for that to happen. Rational argument is irrelevent.

So bask in the warm glow of Ted and his nutty rant.
I agree with him and have no interest whatsoever in convincing anyone I am right. Life, liberty and the pursuit of that elusive quarry, happiness, will take care of that... or not.

"Remember the Alamo! Shoot 'em!" he screamed to applause. "To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot 'em.""

Folks, he's not talking about vigilante justice, he's talking about self defense. Someone comes up to your car at a red light, sticks a gun in your face and demands your car, the proper response is a DRT (Dead Right There) car-jacker. Ditto rapists and the rest of the dirtbags.

Part of the gun-ownership problem lately is that we've become too politically correct. We've been saying "yes, but" too often. Frankly, if some dirtbag tries to drag my wife into a car I don't really care if he's from a broken home, if he's a high-school drop-out, if he got on drugs before he knew what he was doing and is now addicted, is a minority or anything else, he's a kidnapper, probable rapist likely murderer and I want to see him lying on the ground bleeding from as many places as possible.

Cooper said it best in one of his essays on self defense, the proper response to a criminal attack is RAGE. Ted is showing that rage. Good for him.

OK, rant over.
I really like having someone that isn't afaid to scare people on our side. I am sick of all the stupid liberals scaring old people about their medicare, and the poor about their welfare. We need someone on our side to say radical crazy stuff. I think Ted is perfect for the job!
I obviously find what Ted has to say is agreeable. So does the State of Florida...
776.012 Use of force in defense of person.--A person is justified in the use of force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against such other's imminent use of unlawful force. However, the person is justified in the use of deadly force only if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony
776.08 Forcible felony.--"Forcible felony" means treason; murder; manslaughter; sexual battery; carjacking; home-invasion robbery; robbery; burglary; arson; kidnapping; aggravated assault; aggravated battery; aggravated stalking; aircraft piracy; unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a destructive device or bomb; and any other felony which involves the use or threat of physical force or violence against any individual.

That is not to say that I would not use good judgement. People do need to understand the risks that they are taking while they are committing a felony. It doesn't take much to change felony to "forcible felony".

Criminals and would-be criminals need to understand that. Ted is simply outlining the black and white for the them. If anything he is doing them a favor!
Somebody told me that the real definition of a "New Conservative" is a Liberal who's been mugged and beaten. :D
Wow, talk about high road...

Most women and many men are Lefty when they are young because they are stupid (well... ignorant really...not stupid; but it sure looks like stupidity).

This is probably the second most ignorant theme on this board.

LIBERALS ARE NOT STUPID, THEY DISAGREE. Perhaps they have seen that in the cities, guns play a part in a significant quantity of carnage. They do not believe that non-compulsary giving is sufficient to support those who are in need. They believe that people must share the planet and it's resources. They see that rewards appear to be doled out unfairly, and believe that it should be corrected for everyone's benefit. We may disagree, and strongly, but we can discuss it without namecalling.

You know that there have been plenty of liberals who loved guns. You probably are not fond of them. They are the ones who believed that the system could not meet their needs: Stalin, Mao, Malcom X, Weathermen, Black Panthers, etc...

But that's right once you label a person it is easy to cast aspersions on them without trying to understand their point of view. :fire:
Ted Nugent:
"Let's next year sit here and say, 'Holy smokes, the NRA has 40 million members now,'" he said. "No one is allowed at our barbecues unless they are an NRA member. Do that in your life."

Dear [IdahoFarmer]

Thank you for joining the NRA. We appreciate your interest in protecting and preserving our Second Amendment rights and promoting safe, responsible gun ownership.

Your credit card will be billed for $750.00* for a Life Membership in the National Rifle Association with "America's First Freedom" as your magazine choice.

If you have any questions regarding your order, please email us at [email protected]. Or you may call our Toll Free Membership Account Information Hotline at 1-877-NRA-2000.

Thanks again for your interest in the National Rifle Association!

NRA Membership Services
While I Didn't

lable anyone i disagree with:
" Perhaps they have seen that in the cities, guns play a part in a significant quantity of carnage. They do not believe that non-compulsary giving is sufficient to support those who are in need. They believe that people must share the planet and it's resources. They see that rewards appear to be doled out unfairly, and believe that it should be corrected for everyone's benefit."
you allow "them" to blame guns for criminal activity. NO do not allow it.
Archie Bunker once said "would it make you feel any better if they were pushed out of windows (instead of shot) little girl?
it was supose to make him look stupid but it is true if you want someone dead bad enough you do not need a gun.
you allow "them" to play robin hood, take from those who have worked to get where they are to pay those who have not, and before you tell me that some have not had the chance, tell me who decides who has tried hard enough and who has not?
to the last two points see above.
I think Ted's point is that it is time for us to get off of our butts and recruit. How many NRA, GOA, RKBA members send in their dues and feel that they have done their part? Get up get actice, write letters, introduce folks to shooting and ccw. If each of us would recruit 3 new shooters a year. Within a decade we'd change the face of political debate in this land.
Get up get actice, write letters, introduce folks to shooting and ccw. If each of us would recruit 3 new shooters a year. Within a decade we'd change the face of political debate in this land.


I agree with you 100%. It is good to be a member of the NRA, but we need to recognize the importance of educating those closest to us as well. We also need to help them understand the importance of reciprocating what we have showed them and taught them. The effect, in turn, is exponential.
Your everyday actions and words have just as much or more of a bearing, on the good standing of our right to bear arms, as contributing money to have a group like the NRA lobby for us in Congress.
The money you contribute goes to support the 2nd Amendment by fighting those who are trying to pass bills and laws against it in the near term. By talking to your friends, acquaintences, and family members about shooting and getting them involved you are securing the safety of our rights in the long term.
With some diligence, care, and time we can make a big dent in how much time, effort, and money we will be spending in the next 50 years fighting the same good fight.
Both fronts are important, but the knowledge you impart to those you are in contact with will reach much farther than just sending dollars on a hope and a prayer. Besides, if you are broke you can't afford to do anything but talk! :D
Like I said i'm a liberal and am probably more pro-2A than most Republicans. All of this labeling and hateful disparaging of liberals doesn't help the 2A cause AT ALL. I'm not a DU member but the few times threads from there have been linked here debating the gun issue it's quite clear that there are many in that community own/like firearms.

We're actually on the same page here.

I just get mad when folks will whine ad nauseam on the net, but that's as far as it goes. They don't support any 2nd Amendment groups, they just wnat their guns and to be left alone. Their attitude will ruin gun ownership withing a generation if it isn't overcome.
Perhaps they have seen that in the cities, guns play a part in a significant quantity of carnage.

So liberals want to deny us of our right to protect ourselves as we see fit from being victums of the carnage.

They do not believe that non-compulsary giving is sufficient to support those who are in need. They believe that people must share the planet and it's resources. They see that rewards appear to be doled out unfairly, and believe that it should be corrected for everyone's benefit

So liberals want to use the police power of the state to redistribute my property as they see fit. Use the threat of overwhelming violence unless I "share" my little part of the planet and "share" the fruit of my labor "or else".

We can tolerate pro 2nd amnd liberals but that doesn't make the collectivist/liberal philosophy any easier to swallow. :barf:
Part of the gun-ownership problem lately is that we've become too politically correct

Actually, it's due to lawyers mucking things up. Maybe it's great to shoot someone threatening you (or not, in reality), but we STILL have to obey the local laws.

Lawyers scare me more than someone running around with a gun.
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