Billiard Carry?

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Lex Luthier

Mar 7, 2011
Twin Cities
Went to the pool hall yesterday and realized very quickly that IWB was a bad idea. Though my shirt was one size too large, I had to keep an eye on my shirttail. Ankle carry might be the best. Any other ideas?
pocket carry might be the best option(depending on size)

also, try carrying at 2-3-o'clock..

..ive found the gun virtually disapears at 2:30 OWB with a long T-shirt....and you can bend and flex as normal.
If you already carry IWB why not go with a tuckable model and solve the shirt tail problem that way?
For pocket carry in a pool hall I always use my S&W 642 with an untucked shirt. Works great for me.
Pocket carry is my vote. Otherwise change position of the IWB holster. Could also wear a nice jacket and shoulder carry :)
Duluth making a Long-tail T-shirt with another 3 inches of coverage. ( love their commercials)

My solution as a 6'5" er who already has wardrobe issues, was to move to wearing almost nothing but XXL Hawaiian shirts.

Hilo Hattie's and Aloha Republic the 2 best companies I've found so far.

The best part is, you become such an Eyesore that the shirt refuses to let the viewer go, and they'll not notice the gun trying to see if the hula girls are fully covered.

Besides, who expects the guy dressed as a clown to be armed?
try carrying at 2-3-o'clock.
Or 9-10 o'clock.

I usually just pocket carry in places like a pool hall, but semi cross draw at 9-10 works well for me.
I've tried carrying my Bobtailed commander in a shoulder holster, belly band, SmartCarry, IWB, and OWB with the simultaneous goals of concealment and comfort while shooting pool. Only appendix IWB accomplished those goals without the gun getting in the way or the holster inhibiting my shots.

The ultimate success for me was using a smaller gun in my strong side front pocket. Trousers make this a cinch, but it's also do-able in jeans. Back pocket carry with a disguising holster works pretty well in trousers, if they are deep enough so as to not be positioned on the roundest part of the rearend when bending over the pool table's edge. Jeans were less successful in this mode of carry.

Ankle carry is too slow to access versus pocket carry for me because it causes me to bend over, or get my leg up, or squat or kneel down from a standing position near the table, then grabbing my pant leg up and disengaging the handgun from it's holster. None of these movements are as subtle as calmly placing a hand in the pocket. Also, there is a temptation for me to look at what I'm doing with my hands and take my eyes from where the threat might be. However, if you're young and lithe this may present no problem for you.

I hope this helps a little.
@ Resist Evil: Exactly. The problem with a long t-shirt is that the gangbangers in the pool hall all wear huge t-shirts, and I will not emulate them. I had some nice BDUs that kept the small CC tidy in the side leg pocket, and could have done as well in the front pocket. I'll try some different pants next week. Thanks.
Went to the pool hall yesterday and realized very quickly that IWB was a bad idea.
From leaning over the table? And was it behind your hip? OWB, especially in a holster that exposes the slide and muzzle, would have been even worse (which is why I don't like this kind of holster). This might be a good time for a IWB on the front of your body, or at least a longer shirttail. I've often said that no single holster fits every situation all the time.
I have had the same problem many times. When going out to shoot pool I now carry my Bodyguard 380 in a Recluse wallet holster.

I simply can't make my supertuck work when leaning over the table, even if my shirt is tucked in. I also have problems when bending down while carrying in the front pocket; my solution as stated is a wallet holster - only thing I've found that works for me.
This might be a good time for a IWB on the front of your body, or at least a longer shirttail.
I wouldn't think that having the gun dig into your stomach and leg when you bent over to shoot pool would work very well. I'd go open carry or pocket if open would make too many waves.
I wouldn't think that having the gun dig into your stomach and leg when you bent over to shoot pool would work very well. I'd go open carry or pocket if open would make too many waves.
I can carry a compact at 2:00 - 2:30 and have no problem with it digging into my stomach or leg. And I'm not that big. You just have to fiddle around with it for a while - get it to ride just inside of the leg. It took me a good while to get it just right but I can wear it all day like that now. I don't even notice it while picking up brass for half an hour at the range.
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