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Blackpowder Christmas

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Low Key

Dec 15, 2005
In the hills of TN
Twas two weeks before Christmas
and all through the house
blackpowder equipment was scattered about

A pistol lays here
A cleaning rod there
a new batch of lube in a pan by the chair

Today at the range
he fired 12 shots
he's hitting the bullseye more often than not

The trigger flinch gone
he no longer frowns
now when he shoots the target goes down

For Christmas this year
he only wants cash
to stick in the safe with the rest of his stash

a replica walker
a 3rd model dragoon
what should he buy when the CD comes due?

the wifes been out shopping
buying gifts for the kids
he didn't want to shop, target shootin it is!

what time is it now?
oh CRAP! it's past 2
the wifes coming home, if she see's this he's doomed

what a mess to clean up
as he runs round the house
kick open a window, let the sulpher smell out

gotta clean up that sink
and the frying pan too
where in the world can he store this new lube?

as she pulls in the driveway
he's finishing up
shove this in the closet for now's good enough

his mess is cleaned up
and the house now aired out
Merry Christmas to all, now she won't kick him out!

(Copyrighted by Low Key, no use without permission)
Hello all!
I've migrated over here from The Firing Line, and some of you will recognize me. I hope you all enjoy this little poem I worked up, hope it gives you a laugh or improves your season somehow. How many of us have "been there, done that!" ?? Lol!
What perfect observation - the blackpowder man's home, the same the world over! You'd certainly feel right at home in my place on a Saturday afternoon, right down to the sulphur smell! :eek:

Thanks for writing this and posting it - may I print a copy for my workshop?

Season's greetings to all..

Across the Pond

Go right ahead and print you a copy, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

Also, anyone else who wishes to print a copy for their home or workshop has my permission.
Merry Christmas all!
May the new year bring you plenty of blackpowder shootin enjoyment...just remember to clean out that sink before your wife sees it! :p
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