blanket NFA ammendment wording

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Feb 27, 2004
Glitter Gulch, LSR
I pose a question to all you legal minds,

other than “… sect 922(o) is repealed effective immediately. And all prosecutions and convictions under it are null and void.”

What wording is needed to run dealer transactions for nfa weapons as regular sales so that the nfa branch can’t get to sit on the transfers and ‘new’ transactions? Ie require nfa transfers be through NICS not nfa branch.

Second, wording so tech branch must have video of their testing and submit their work for independent review when their decisions are appealed. Make fedgov liable for legal fees on successful appeals. Making ‘alterations’ to test articles a felony with minimum 10 year sentences for fedgov agents/employees contractors who make or attempt to make alterations to test articles.

I know these are items from regulations/law(s), so what blanket wording would give the best bite and bang for lobbying a ‘reliable’ congresscritter?

Help please I'm still trying to ditch 922(o) but thought a short 'here is the language to add a bunch of $ in fees collected ($200 per item)' might help w/ the staff/congcritter.

with my wish list of smooth transactions added of course

nfa branch begone :D

Here is an idea. We have state legislation passed that places almost the same requirements and restrictions that have been put on our 2nd amendment rights on the "rights" that the left hold sacred. For example, a woman has to obtain a permit from the state heath dept in order to go an obtain an abortion. To do this she must pay for a medical examination where her finger prints will be taken (just imagine a NO abortion for convicted felons clause). We continue to cite that we are not banning abortions we are simply restricting them "for the children." Then when this legislation is ruled unconstitutional we claim equal protection for our 2nd Amendment right. If women's reproductive rights cannot be restricted or regulated then neither can our 2nd amendment rights. We can also extend this type of legislation to speach and religion as well. Imagine a permit required to utter insults or to pray in public. I think we should force those that want to limit our 2nd Amendment rights to suffer similar limitations on their cherished rights. Then just sit back and watch the fireworks.
They already allow infringement of just about every other constitutional right "for the good of the people". Need I remind you of the patriot act, emminent domain, and "free speech" zones.
Teachers cant talk about religion, american history, or make children learn the pledge of alliegance. But if they want to take a few hours to go on a tyrade about bush or lecture kids on the glorious deeds of stalin, lennin, and castro, they get the full protections of free speach.

Problem is zen that your argument will never fly with their logic.
These kinds of people dont see abortion as killing a human, they see it as a mothers choice. Oddly enough they dont see keeping a gun as a homeowners choice, they see it as condoning the murder of another human.
I found it cute that all the pro-abortion groups were agahst when a man sued for HIS right to choose weather he pays child support, but thats a bit ot.

I recall there was a post here about the top 5 things we needed to attack to restore 2A.
Among them was the sporting clause.
I think once you remove the batf from being able to define what semi-auto rifles are good and what semi-auto rifles are bad based on only their gut instinct, your a step closer to attacking the remaining NFA.
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